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Final Analysis on FO4 Interior Performance Issues


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I have googled and read many articles and posts to try and find out why performance drops so drastically in interiors- but to no avail. I have read that it has much to do with the lighting or poor optimizations. I personally need several mods and tweaks just to maintain a playable framerate. The biggest one, though, is the lighting in interiors- with the other being the mist.

What I don't understand is that I can run ok with all the lighting on the outside and then tank in interiors. By comparison just the opposite is true for me in Skyrim. So my question is why the big performance drop in interiors? :huh:

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If I get low frame rate in an interior I save the game, switch off the game & reboot. When I go back into the game the framerate is normal.


Fallout 4 does not load in the same every time. Engine/driver issues. For a long time I thought that it was my computer but last year I built a new one & Fallout 4 acts the same.


Video drivers make a big difference. My rig with a GTX 1080 had lots of stutter inside & out until the 376.09 divers came out. Now fallout 4 & Skyrim are stutter free with no interior issues. I am afraid to update the video drivers on this rig.


My 2x980 ti rig had interior issues with this game only. They went away with the 375.70 video drivers but are back with the 378.92 drivers I installed for mass Effect Andromeda. If newer drivers don't improve the performance I will go back to the 375.70 versions.


Also my saves that were started before or during the updates/DLCs are more prone to have performance issues than the character save I created after the updates/DLCs even if I try early versions of them.



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indeed, it is an enigma wrapped up in a wicked problem,

though you'll probably find this awesome collation by damanding et al useful


there's a lot of profound implications from that,

and using part-render priority etc, that's one of those things.


short version;

inefficient ways to put pixels on screen, (why use proper phys and hi-poly models when sprites and animations take less space and achieve a similar result?)

+ lots of different features all at once

+ breaking of precombine/previs/pre-batching

= chugging and things grinding to a halt.


they're working on it though,

and its awesome to see that kind of optimization.

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