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The banning of Skyrim Global Evolution creator's legitamacy


What do you think happened to the creator of Skyrim Global Evolution's account  

3 members have voted

  1. 1. What do you think happened? was it...

    • A abuse of account rights?
    • A misunderstanding that must be fixed?
    • A abuse of rights by the a DrGrimm?
    • A Hacker with a false name causing havok?

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The facts

The creator of the hidden gem mod "Skyrim Global Evolution" has been banned for undisclosed reasons, and all of his creations removed. Finding his posts is most difficult. I have found one by someone claiming to be him, but this is unconfirmed and the accoutn was banned 11 hours and 18 minutes later, a very short time. The moderator, a "Mr.Grimm", left a edit, fully quoted it reads

"I'm happy to show you the door again.


With that same formatting, minus the quotation marks. the thread was later locked, and if moderator power abuse is indeed the cause, then this post will almost certainly be as well, and i could possibly be banned. the goal of this thread is to gather evidence for what happened before, during, and after the ban, so a more precise opinion may be sought. Very little evidence can be found, first due to a lack of knowing what the accounts the creator has posted under, and what was his original account. Any help will be greatly appreciated in solving this mystery. Looking into the terms of service, several possible offenses include

1. "Do not upload files that are knowingly broken and known to prevent the majority of member’s games from working properly.

2. "Do not upload files that contain viruses, malware, spyware, adware or any software or code that would compromise the integrity of a system or the user’s game."

3. "If you make things particularly and unnecessarily hard for Nexus staff we may just decide to remove any/all your files and be done with you."

4. "Do not solicit (ask for) ratings, endorsements or file of the month votes within your file description."

Any of these are bannable offenses, and whether correct or not, reasons that the creator could have been banned. Whether he actually did it or not is a different story. If you think he did, vote under a abuse of account rights, if you think it was a misunderstanding, vote under a misunderstanding that must be fixed. but there is a third and fourth option to be explored.


Upon searching the forums for a "DrGrimm" no results pop up. None. no account, a ghost in the machine. Luckly, he made a direct post which can be used to find his profile. he has 129 posts as of this post, with 0.11 posts per day. There is indeed a moderator by the name of DrGrimm, who is active in mostly troll banning as can be seen by doing a search for DrGrimm in the forum, it turns out he writes short simple posts. But perhaps he is indeed inncoent? what happened? Well, a hacker could have created a ghost account with administrative priveliges, and banned the creator. Unlikely, but possible. What heppened? We may never know. But feel free to speculate!

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Regardless of whether or not it was a legitimate ban or not - it was appealed and the appeal was denied. The Nexus is owned (lock, stock & barrel) by Robin and the people who moderate are people with whom he has invested his trust. I plan on volunteering with BongFu on that mod, and you know what - if it's banned here... it's banned and can't be downloaded from here. I'll d/l it from somewhere else.


To sit and complain and rant that against a private organization on that organizations boards is pointless. They provide a service to the community, and if you don't like how they do it - go somewhere else. They are not obligated or required to do ANYTHING if they don't want to... They don't owe a response to anyone. It was a discussion between the moderators, BongFu and Robin. End of story.


Besides, with the CK and the Steam Workshop coming, it wouldn't surprise me if it lands there. No biggie.

Edited by gahnzz
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Open discussion of staff actions is not allowed. Got a problem with what a member of the staff has done, contact Dark0ne by pm.



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Public discussion of Staff actions is not allowed, if you have a grievance with something, a member of staff or their actions, you take the matter up with someone further up the chain. Starting a public topic (plus a poll, for whatever reason) is not the way to go, and can lead to your own account being banned in reply.


Try talking with us sometimes, it can lead to a better understanding of the situation...

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