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What can modders expect from the Creation Kit?


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M y point was that it is a free program, and they can release whatever they feel like. It is not some high profile game like diablo 3 that needs closed beta. If a feature gets removed and people get pissed, then so what. We get what we get, and should be damn happy about it, and there was no reason why we couldn't be updated about the details while it was happening. f*** an NDA
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I think that the answer depends on your knowledge and free time.

If I'm guessing correct you will be able to change some gameplay mechanics and introduce new ones,but something like that would require you programming skills.

The Creation Kit will come ready with some dialogue options that you can adjust just with some clicks,but there will only be such kind of options for things Bethesda already put in to the game.

So if you want to alter/edit something that is already in the game,like the stats of a race,will be kinda easy,but if you want to insert some game mechanics like e.g. taking cover behind walls,you will have to make the animations yourself,and program the game so it can do it.

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