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SKSE wont work


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since the new patch I've noticed my SKSE launcher wont work either on its own or through NMM. I'm using the latest version but as soon as I add mods that need strings or esp's it stops working CTD after the Bethesda logo.


Anyone got any ideas???


Thanks guys

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War in Skyrim nexus id 6176

Mother of Tears nexus id 6272

Proudspire Manor nexus id 2059

College of Winterhold nexus id 1512

Hjerim Chests v1.4a nexus id 2394


There may be more but these are the ones so far that will not work with SKSE under any circumstances with or without Strings for two of them.


I'm putting mods back on one at a time to see what causes problems and what doesn't. Hope this helps

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What SKSE plugins are you using? These may need to be updated as well.


Some .esp plugins are working but others cause CTD?

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