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Hi all,

I'm in the middle of installing some of the mods listed on STEP's "Pack: Survival" list. For the Bandolier mod, the STEP page says I won't need the .esp file if I'm using Complete Crafting Overhaul, which I am. So when I went to install the Bandolier mod I chose to manually install it and unchecked the .esp file box, but when I clicked next this warning message came up:

"This mod was probably NOT set up correctly, most likely it will NOT work. You should first correct the directory layout using the content-tree."


So I'm torn between ignoring the warning and ending up with a botched mod, or keeping the .esp file and having it conflict with something in CCO.


Help, anyone?

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Esps are generally needed. Textures, meshes, SkyProc patchers, skse functions don't require an esp if that's all they do. If CCO has bandoliers in it already, you won't need the extra mod. If it only references the textures and meshes, then it's not needed. Safest bet is to just use the esp.

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Doubles the number of bandoliers in leveled lists and at the tanning rack. Also doubles some miscellaneous items like buckles and red and black leather.

OK, that doesn't sound like it's a game-breaker or anything. It'd be playable, right? Or should I uninstall the Bandolier mods and reinstall without the .esp files, do you think?

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It's not a game breaker but it's easy enough to fix. Just remove all bandoliers from your inventory, save, uncheck the esp, and load again. Bandoliers that remain were from CCO. Bandoliers that disappear were from bandoliers. You can do this any time, though, so you can always play for a while and then deal with it if/when you get tired of having duplicate items in your crafting menu.

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