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What's the story for MEA modding?


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So far, all the mods I see are saved files mostly for character creation and a few lighting mods. Will we see alternative bodies and faces for companions, weapons, armor, clothing, scripts. quests, gameplay, and other mods? I realize the game is still new but I did notice that Cassandra from "Dragon Age Inquisition" did get a couple of mods that improved her attractiveness... slightly by removing scars but no mods exist that actually make her attractive as was done with Morrigan in Origins. Seeing as DAI and MEA use the same engine, are we going to see the same lack of modifications to the game itself?

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Doesn't Mass Effect Andromeda use the same engine as DAI? I ask that because there was a game I really hated. There were two romance options for straight males and I took one look at them and quickly decided I would not get romantic. I have never seen two more unattractive women and so I waited and waited for someone to do a re-texture of one or both of them as had been done really well with all the characters of DA Origins. It never happened and so I concluded that real modding where face and object textures could be swapped out wasn't possible with this engine. If we aren't to get anything meaningful for MEA like one or two more Asari face models, face, body, armor, weapon, object and other texture remodeling, then the idea that a bunch of saved files and lighting tweaks are what we are calling mods is a bit of a sham.

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I wish Nexus would remove the save files for character creator, they're not mods, they're just people sharing their Ryders and EA already has an official site for that


I guess with the abysmal ingame character creator, these files come in handy for many people. So why should they be removed. I'm playing the asian preset so far, which is rather well done in it's original. But I can imagine that presets are a welcome addition.

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This is something I was wondering about too. There were loads of files that change the appearance of teammates/people within the game for DA Origins and DA 2 (I was even able to make my own versions of teammates in DA 2 which was a blast!) But when I finally got DAI and got on Nexus for mods I was crushed to find that not much was there for face changes.


So what is the deal with that? Can we not make a face somehow in like the CC export it and then have it replace a file? That's what we basically did for the older games right? Does the new engine not allow it somehow?


Also, Cora needs a face mod asap! Whatever can be done needs to be done that woman is slightly scary in a bad way. Unlike Cassandra who I found to be intimidating but not all that bad looking. I'll take Cas over Cora face wise any day.

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This is something I was wondering about too. There were loads of files that change the appearance of teammates/people within the game for DA Origins and DA 2 (I was even able to make my own versions of teammates in DA 2 which was a blast!) But when I finally got DAI and got on Nexus for mods I was crushed to find that not much was there for face changes.



Even without being a modder, there's an easy answer. Bioware migrating to the Frostbyte engine.

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