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Creation Kit - Alternate Download?


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tl;dr : No, not pirated. Bought game, and replaced the .exe and steamloader.dll so steam wouldn't do it's hissy fits.


I have a non-steam version of skyrim, and I abhor Steam's whole interface, and can not be bothered spending time to get the whole thing set up again, to only be taken down for a -10MB download. It also drives my Antivirus (Comodo) nuts when I last installed it, and I got that mess right out of there. Me no Likey steam.


So can someone upload it to Media-fire and gi'es the link? Would be most obliged.


Edit: My bad it's ~85 MB. Still, can it atleast be mirrored?

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It's illegal to not use Steam. Really? Didn't know that. Proof?

Your antivirus must suck if it blocks Steam. Get Kaspersky Anti Virus. Your joking. Comodo lets me view each and every connection attempt and change of files, etc. It's THE best antivirus. Screw Kapersky.


You really know how to get on my nerves.

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No, it's illegal to pirate Skyrim. What you do with your legit copy on your own computer is your business.


Sucks that they tied CK to Steam. I hate that thing, reminds me of Apple and "we'll do it for you" approach.


I agree. I hate steam. Ill just wait for a patch to get CK.

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i have retarded steam, but i don't see creation kit in tools section, i restarted everything, but its still not there, why couldn't they just upload it on their web site like before. i seriously hate bethesda sometimes.
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Non-steam version of Skyrim? Really? I have Comodo and it doesn't cause me any problems with Steam.


I smell a filthy pirate. I sure hope nobody uploads the CK for you.


If you don't see "Creation Kit" in the list of Steam tools, simply logout of Steam and log back in. That is what I had to do in order to see it after 12:00

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