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Team Fortress 2


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Yeah, what class you should play as changes a lot with the maps. Sniping is awesome for KOTH, Scouts are good for CP, Heavies and Demomen are good for Payload, and spies are great for Payload Race. There are also, of course, some differences in advantage based on map. If I want to snipe on KOTH, I go for Viaduct or Lakeside rather than Harvest or Sawmill, because the former have better sightlines. Pyros usually prefer Harvest for the tight corridors near the spawn, though.
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Nucleus? I hated that for sniping. Easiest maps to snipe on are the ones where enemies are naturally funneled into areas you can hit, and Nuclear is sort of all over. I do like the balcony that's up on one corner, but it leaves you vulnerable to attack from behind.


Viaduct has got to be my favourite map for sniping because of the easy sightlines and how people usually sit still. Also, enemy snipers can't hit you from their battlements in most cases.

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I liked the game a lot more around last last Halloween but it is still a fun game. I used to really be into trading but since I got my unusual hat I don't do much of it anymore :tongue: . It is a pretty cool hat but I mainly like it because I didn't put any money into the game to get it, all I did was trade in game items. Now I am usually playing as soldier/sniper in arena servers :biggrin: .
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