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console command to complete forge an iron dagger?


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Hi there,



I am at level 40 and found the little quest of, Forge an Iron Dagger" loose and forgotten in my miscellaneous quests. I took it in White Run at level 1 or so.


When I try to forge an iron dagger now, the iron dagger does not show up as an item listed to be forged.


1. Is there a way to complete this quest now?


2. Is there a console command to force completion and get it out of my quest list?



Thank you.

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You should find out what mod is bugging out your game to make iron daggers unavailable for forging. Those are one of the most rudimentary craftables and should always be listed. Do you have mods that cause crafting recipes to not show up if you lack the components?

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  • 2 weeks later...

First of all Madcat is abolutely correct. A rudimentary item like that should always show up. So I also advise you to take a look what is causing said issue. Do you use Complete Crafting Overhaul maybe? That mod has options for certain crafting recipes to not show up. In any case if you don't want to bother with it, the console command to skip that quest stage would be


setstage TutorialBlacksmithing 20


After that you should get the message to bring the dagger to Alvor

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