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Why no Horses in NV?


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Using the RadStag sounds is actually a really good idea. I'll almost definitely be trying that for the Giddy. Good job. =)


You did mention the RadStag before, but I hadn't gotten back to it (of course, this last week had to be the busiest of busy weeks for me...lame). I don't know though, I'm really unwilling to say one way or the other, as my limited knowledge of how animations really work doesn't give me a very steady standpoint. It's an interesting thought, though, for sure...and I agree that they're the closest thing in game to a horse.

...and honestly, if it got done, a two headed horse might fit in better anyhow...and give a clearer line of sight for the minigun. =D


By the way. I think, if it gets off the ground at all, I'd probably say why not just do a RadStag, too. Since my *hope* is to end up with something that is almost like a framework where dropping a RadStag in (or Brahmin, or my APCS and other such) would be quick'ish (if anything is ever "quick" in the Creation Kit).

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I just finished separating my ridables out of my other mods.

I the process I clearly made wrong turn with Combat Style (I'll have to recheck what it was in the main mod, because right now, 'ranged' is much farther than it was) and I think I broke what I had prepared on the eye guns (was fully set up on the cat as a test, aside from the earlier mentioned overall issue of not actually being *fired* by the cat...but I lost something I think...or maybe I was just too tired and changed a bunch of stuff and then forgot, hah! ).


FlowerGuy, if you want to give it a look-over, I'd be happy to PM it to you.

I'm shooting blind on that process myself, so a second set of eyes (and a brain not full of holes) can't hurt. ;-)


Also, this would give a clearer picture of what I had setup already (though, as noted, I may have made it worse), so it would be an easier way to respond to a few of your points. =)

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That's the same way I am about the whole thing, hehe.

Still working on the Fast Travel thing first, since that's still at least *my* main objective before anything else.

Think I may do a separate thread tonight over in the regular Creation Kit area for that, because I'm stumped. =/


Anywho, I'll send it along a little later.


By the way, maybe this is what *really* happened to the horses of the Commonwealth:



One day, they all just flew away. =P



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That's the same way I am about the whole thing, hehe.

Still working on the Fast Travel thing first, since that's still at least *my* main objective before anything else.

Think I may do a separate thread tonight over in the regular Creation Kit area for that, because I'm stumped. =/


Anywho, I'll send it along a little later.


By the way, maybe this is what *really* happened to the horses of the Commonwealth:



One day, they all just flew away. =P




@BlahBlahDeeBlahBlah: Completely unrelated and utterly off-topic, but I have an itchy feeling that this might be of interest to you - http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/23618/?


Read the forum posts, too. They help. Not sure if anyone has *actually* taken up any work on anything related to it or not.


Oh, and that video is effing HILARIOUS. XD XD

Edited by Flowerguy360
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this one is still uploading, it seems...







(seems you can only post 2 videos at a time, mer)




Anywho, that's what I've got so far.

Between this and this , I've kinda got my hands full. =P


Still haven't figured out why Fast Travel won't work (which is still my main interest).


SkyrimLu let me look at Car Bot's script, and that helped me figure out a few problems with mine own script.


Where I'm running into some (non-process) trouble is that, even from his words, we were really close on the tracks we took to get here. I'm fairly worried now about the actual build of the script being too close (they were already really close, is my point, now even closer after I fixed the broken bits...but even also the overall process, not just the script).

I don't really know how to say that...maybe I worry too much. I'll ask him again (sometimes he's unable, for good reason, to get back very quickly) to clarify permissions just in case someone sees this and says I've just copied it.

...my usual stuff is so far out there that I hadn't really had to worry about stuff like this before. =/

(and hopefully this post itself doesn't make me look too bad)


...might put up a post in the regular forums, too.

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I'm just really happy we don't have horsies in a beth game for once. You have to park them all the time and it is just a pain to deal with them and if you dismiss it you always see it after fast travelling or some other bug. Do you guys know what you have to do to maintain a horsie in RL? thats right just like that one episode of family guy every other day. I'm not doin that hell no! So power armor is better replacement which is why we don't have horsies just get the car start sound mod for power armor and you are good to go.

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