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1.4 Frame-rate drop!


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Unlike many, many people. 1.4 has actually introduced terrible stuttering for me, in towns, instances, overworld. The stuttering happens when I walk, when I attack, shout, cast spell. I can't wrap my mind around why this is just happening to me. No one else has reported this problem. I've uninstalled and reinstalled twice. Never had this problem before, I had decent FPS in vanilla without performance mods, but this is worse than vanilla lag. Anyone have any idea's at all? Thanks ahead of time.


System stats: i7 920 ~4.0, ATI 6950 (unlocked to 70), 6gb 1333 ram.

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Have you installed any new mods since before you updated? If you are not using something like SkyBoost, I suggest that. Also make sure you have the latest drivers for your GPU, of course.


You can also try resetting your .ini. Delete the one in your save games folder and open up the Skyrim Launcher. It will scan your card and make a new one. Then play the game and see if that helps.

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I had to uninstall SkyBoost after the update since it caused the game to not load. I've been getting a bit of stuttering as well, but the main issue I've been having is load crashing. Right now, my character is ready to leave Mzinchaleft via the elevator after the Dwermer Automaton. But, the game has crashed out to Windows twice during the loading screen after I start up the elevator. This never happened at all before the update.
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I had the same problems as you. Hopefully yours is not so serios as mine. Like Krutz says, delete those ini files after u made a back up off them.


If that doesn`t help I would remove mods, try a completely new game to see if it`s related to your savegame. If is, you should consider a new install of the game.

troubleshooting takes time, and it takes 15 minutes to re install your game.


I had the same problems after 1.4 update. I had to do a new install of windows and skyrim to get rid of the beast. Basically, I`m not sure what caused my problem.


Really annoying, but now I have a clean Skyrim install that finally works.

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