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Texture Stretch Glitch?


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Missing textures for small items like the gems in a ring (or perhaps some mod added nipple ornament) can give the stretching to infinity error indicator. When it happened to me I managed to track down the texture that wasn't included with the mod's download using NifSkope, and in my case I was fortunately able to figure out a different mod that I had downloaded but not installed that had the missing texture (I used Windows Explorer search for the missing texture file name in my Oblivion_Downloads folder).

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After looking at the pic you posted I'm more inclined to agree with bevilex ... missing BBBed skeleton.nif is the problem.


If you believe you have installed a BBBed skeleton.nif in the past then what has likely happened is you have installed a mod since then that overwrote your previous installed skeleton.nif with a non-BBBed one (which is part of the reason I will not install any mod without extracting the download to a folder and examining what files and folders it includes).


Being a manual install dinosaur does have it's benefits.

Edited by Striker879
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  • 7 months later...

So it fixed its self before, about a year ago back when I was last interested in Oblivion. Since I'm interested again, it's happening again, and this time I'm not using OCO. I also redownloaded universal skeletons and it's still stretching out her tits. It's pissing me off.

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