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What is the point of NMM Check For Mod Updates Feature...


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If it never tells you when any mods have been updated?


I don't want to come off as spoiled, but this is kind of an important feature. I mean, I'm having to track and manually check 100+ mods on a constant basis to see if there have been any changes, and that is a huge pain.

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The mod author needs to set his upload using the versioning feature. Some don't do this. Not NMM's fault.

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Are you expecting a window to pop up and telling you mod xxx has a new version available?

If you look into your NMM list were NMM shows you the Version of your installed mod - there he shows you also the available Version NMM finds on the Nexus page.

As soon as the Version Number changes on the Mod-page and of course you are online NMM compares this Version with yours and mark it if different. Unfortunately per page is only one Version number possible and that brings another problem to mods where different versions and modules are available. NMM can not handle that nor can ModManager as long as the Page structure is not changed.

But that effects maybe 2-5 mods out of 300, at least for me

Anyway Updating your mod is in some cases equal to installing a new mod and should be avoided during an existing play-trough - so checking for updates makes sense if you have trouble or before you start a new game.



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The mod author needs to set his upload using the versioning feature. Some don't do this. Not NMM's fault.

Well then they should be required to in order to even post a NMM download option.


Never said a damn thing about getting update notifications. Learn to read.


Also, the way you just described the entire update system obviously shows how flawed the entire thing is.

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The mod author needs to set his upload using the versioning feature. Some don't do this. Not NMM's fault.

Well then they should be required to in order to even post a NMM download option.


Never said a damn thing about getting update notifications. Learn to read.


Also, the way you just described the entire update system obviously shows how flawed the entire thing is.


Dude chill. I wonder how many mods have you actually uploaded and/or managed? If you don't like this then dont use it, there is no need to be rude to people who actually wanted to help you. I am sure Bethesda.net has much better system and mod selction *cough* *cough* so be free to go there if you want to mod NexusFree.

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The mod author needs to set his upload using the versioning feature. Some don't do this. Not NMM's fault.

Well then they should be required to in order to even post a NMM download option.


Never said a damn thing about getting update notifications. Learn to read.


Also, the way you just described the entire update system obviously shows how flawed the entire thing is.


Dude chill. I wonder how many mods have you actually uploaded and/or managed? If you don't like this then dont use it, there is no need to be rude to people who actually wanted to help you. I am sure Bethesda.net has much better system and mod selction *cough* *cough* so be free to go there if you want to mod NexusFree.


First off, I quoted the wrong response. The one I responded to was obviously attempting to be rude to me for simply having a question or concern, and did not even read what I posted correctly.


Secondly, I haven't actually been rude to anyone.


Thirdly, I don't have to be a mod creator to have questions or concerns about mods or associated programs.


Lastly, get off your high horse kid. It's an important feature and is obviously not being managed correctly in correlation to the site's own suggested software for mod installation, and the website itself.


If you wanna get mad about facts dude, that's on you, not me.

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I don't know what your problem is. You search for mod updates and if there are any it shows you a triangle with a " ! " in it, right behind the versioin number in your modlist. No need to manually check 100+ mods.

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If thats what you think, then I guess thats that. Have a good day.

I guess you also can't read. I have already had to go through all 100 mods I have installed, manually, to find out roughly 1/4th of them had updates for almost a week or two, despite never once showing any updates after using the check for updates feature within the app.


In short, the function does not work properly, or on the websites end, the website itself is not enforcing that devs update their version numbers properly so that it will show up in NMM.

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