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Cage armor invisible body bug


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I believe this bug happens related to the mod "CBBE Skimpy Armor and Clothing Replacer v2".


Firstly, the issue with "Invisible Drifter Outfit" was observed. My character's body was disappeared, which only showed the head. Then, by "Batch" the Drifter Outfit with CBBE (curvy) Outfit Preset in Bodyslide and Outfit Studio, it was solved.


I also have the problem with the Wolf Armor from the mod. But I haven't tested it after "Batch" in the Bodyslide and Outfit Studio.


Yesterday I've just experienced the same problem with the Cage Armor when passed by a Scavenger trader. She's still wearing the Cage Armor but her body was totally invisible. I did try to "Batch" the cage armor with many body preset, but It didn't help. I also tried to install a "Cage Armor replacer mod" (Spike and Cage Armor Redone - SCAR), but the result was even worse. Nothing of the character's body was displayed but the head.

Has anyone ever experienced this bug before? Thank you in advance for any help you are able to provide.


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I juust noticed this recently also. I'm checking through my mod list to see if there may be a conflict, but I'm not sure what I need to be looking for. Perhaps someone who has solved it on his/her end will come to our rescue.

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