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skyrim not responding at launch


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up until relatively recently, my skyrim game would launch as normal and work fine. then it all stopped as i went and downloaded an interesting mod. i then got rid of the mod folder which seemed to fix it, until i got into a loading screen, it would stop responding and force me to close the game.


i uninstalled the game 3 times and got rid of a couple mods i thought were causing the issue, but it made it worse as now i am unable to launch the game, not from SKSE form the nexus mod manager or from steam. i am not sure if it is due to a mod, or there's missing/broken files (i tried a clean install, and it still won't launch)



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Oof. Sounds like something's really broken. Okay, you said you've already re-installed the game. Did you clear your game cache when you re-installed? Did you also re-install NMM?


Here's a troubleshooting guide from the wiki STEP project that might help you.

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