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Best City extension Mod(s)?


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So all the cities in Skyrim are quite under whelming so I began searching for mods to expand each city as well as mods to re-texture the city. But the issue is that the texture city mods are for the vanilla setup of the city and most likely won't match up with the expansions. So I was wondering if there's a mod that will give me the best of both worlds? Expand and improve textures. Thanks!

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Expanded Towns and Cities does a good job with expanding the towns and cities in Skyrim. It doesn't change anything inside the main cities with their own cells like Whiterun, Solitude, Windhelm, Markath and Riften so you can use JK Skyrim, Dawn of Skyrim, etc.


It does have quite a few patches available as well which may help. It comes in an All-in-one version and a modular version if you want to pick and choose which towns and cities to overhaul. The mod doesn't really improve textures i don't think, though it may add some new ones for certain buildings. It's been a while since i used it.



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For the interiors of the four major cities, I'd suggest the Towns and Villages Enhanced series featuring; Whiterun, Solitude, Riften and Windhelm.


Alternately, for bigger cities (including interiors) try Holds -The City Overhaul. Be warned, Solitude is REALLY huge now with this mod.

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