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No multiple followers mods out yet?


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I've heard there's a follower variable, but I can't find it in the Creation Kit. I also can't find the TimeScale variable. Where are they hidden?


Update: Object Window -> Miscellanous -> Global

"PlayerFollowerCount" deserves a closer look.

Maybe editing DialogueFollowerScript could increase the number of companions?

Edited by Bismarck
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I'm not too familiar with the Creation Kit. Hell if I knew how I'd be working on doing this right now.


You don't think there would be a way to enable this via console? I doubt it since no one has mentioned it in the 3 months since Skyrims release.

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In New Vegas, I got multiple followers just by removing the scripts where the FollowerCount value was increased...you could have all the followers you wanted because the game was never told that you reached the limit. I tried this with Skyrim, to make sure PlayerFollowerCount never goes above 0. This accomplished nothing...when recruiting a new follower, the previous one simply walks away. My best guess (and I have very limited modding knowledge, particularly with this new CK) is that it all revolves around the new Alias system. When a follower is recruited, he or she is assigned the FollowerAlias...this gives him or her all the follower AI behaviors. There's a separate Alias for animal followers, so my best guess is that these Aliases can only be assigned to one NPC at a time. If Lydia is your follower, she has the FollowerAlias...if you then go and recruit Belrand, FollowerAlias is automatically stripped from Lydia and assigned to Belrand, causing Lydia to simply revert to her normal packages while Belrand takes on all the follower behavior.


Really, I have no idea what I'm talking about, but this is is the best I could come up with after a quick glance of the CK. Maybe if you want 4 followers, you need to create 4 FollowerAliases, then edit the DialogueFollowerScript so that it assigns the proper Alias at the proper time. Hopefully someone competent can take a look and see what's up.

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Sounds promising. Now one of our skilled modders needs to check the aliases and I guess the script dealing with followers has to be altered to give them one of the new aliases.

If those aliases also deal with combat behavior, then we could create several ones: an alias for a warrior, another one for a mage and yet another one for a cleric characters.

Maybe you could talk to your companion and order him to switch packages so he behaves appropriately.

I'd like to run around with a proper group made out of 4-6 characters like in Baldur's Gate.

Edited by Bismarck
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I've actually tried doing what you suggested Bismarck. Doesn't work unfortunatly..


There were a few multiple companion mods out before the CK but they were a bit technical so I'm sure eventually there will be some, I honestly just thought it would be one of the first mods! :P


I'm also being impatient, I feel like the CK has been out for a week, there's over 700 mods on the work shop within a day and a half!

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Just a heads up for anyone trying this, the alias and "core" scripts around it is not enough to "fix" it to allow multiples. Working on hunting down the other culprits now but this new ck and papyrus is a bit triksy for me as yet.
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