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How do you know when you should stop adding mods?


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First and foremost I want to thank all the modders for what they do. It is very much appreciated and in my opinion Bathesda owes you a lot because without being modded, Skyrim probably wouldn't be as popular as it is today after all this time. Thank you. And I also want to thank whoever answers my question.

I'm running an Alienware 15 laptop and have 115 active plug ins and 102 active mods. I'm just wondering what is a good indication that I am reaching the limit of what my laptop can handle. I assume it's when the loading screen gets rediculously slow and it starts crashing more often. It's already slower and does crash sometimes. (cdt). And occasionally it freezes and stops responding when I try to continue a game or try to do something within the game. As for frame rate, so far it runs smoothly and there is no lag in the game. Can someone that knows what's what please confirm if that's the case, or let me know what to look for if it's not.

Just a suggestion, the answer may be something NEXUS wants to post for everyone, especially people like me.


Thank you

Edited by ezg1969
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I'm my opinion, it's not the frames or load times. When you got a whole lot of mods, your game starts feelings crowded, trashed, and cheated. Right now I'd look through your mods for anything you think you don't need. At the end of the day, EVERYTHING is personal preference besides CTD. Are you willing to drop a few frames? Take up some more gigs? Suffer the load times?

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if the game is crashing due to PC limitations and not because of mods then you should remove the mod causing the issue... well if it's bad enough you cant play. if your frames drop below 24 you should cut back on and stop adding heavy script and visual mods. beyond that? 255 mods is the cap. im running 162 mods in my new mod set and im at a steady 65 frames with no crashes so far.

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Thank you both for the responses. I don't know what my frame rate is or how to find out. All I know is it plays fine as far as not having any lag. I do have occasional cdt but at this point i'm just assuming is Bathesda being buggy. It doesn't happen often enough to be much more than a little irritating.


Qwerty Zelder I clicked your link and checked out your YouTube channel (i subscribed). I don't know if it will work for you but you can try AVSforyou editing and audio software. It is decent software and they offer audio and video. And you don't need a powerful pc. You can download a trial version that is fully functional but has watermarks and try it for free. If it works for you, you can purchase it for around $60 (U.S.). Once you purchase any one of their products, all of their other products are free to download (full version, no watermarks). And they offer tech support. It's not lightning response time but they do work with you to resolve issues. I have been using their audio/video software for years.

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Thank you both for the responses. I don't know what my frame rate is or how to find out. All I know is it plays fine as far as not having any lag. I do have occasional cdt but at this point i'm just assuming is Bathesda being buggy. It doesn't happen often enough to be much more than a little irritating.


Qwerty Zelder I clicked your link and checked out your YouTube channel (i subscribed). I don't know if it will work for you but you can try AVSforyou editing and audio software. It is decent software and they offer audio and video. And you don't need a powerful pc. You can download a trial version that is fully functional but has watermarks and try it for free. If it works for you, you can purchase it for around $60 (U.S.). Once you purchase any one of their products, all of their other products are free to download (full version, no watermarks). And they offer tech support. It's not lightning response time but they do work with you to resolve issues. I have been using their audio/video software for years.

Huh wasnt expecting a comment on my channel i appreciate the suggestion and will take a look, thanks.

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No problem. I hope it helps. I like recording stuff to except in my case I have a little recording studio and make music. If I knew how, I would probably record myself playing Skyrim or FO3/FONV and try to put my own music on it...lol

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Yeah recording studios are fun. Dont currently have space for one though. I am looking for a good audio mic though. Aside from the lack of decent audio recording tools i only have a gaming headset and that really isnt great for video audio.


Recording gameplay though isnt all to hard. I use Fraps though it costs money it works for what i need. There are plenty of free programs though.

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Yeah I love my little recording studio, it is fun. My primary recording software is Magix MusicMaker 2015 Premium, under $100 and not hard to learn. And the quality isn't bad. I also have Cubase Artist 8.5 (a lot of pros use Cubase) but I haven't really figured it out yet. I use a Yamaha MX61 keyboard running through an Audiobox USB to my laptop. I can also plug in my guitar. I don't have a mic because I can't carry a tune in a bucket.

If you ever have the room and want recording software, I do recommend Magix. It's under $100 and I have unlimited tracks. When I did the Skyrim song I used I think 94 tracks. As for a mic, they have decent ones for less than $100.

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You need to be aware of too many scripted mods. Just for kicks I've thrown it all in, including the kitchen sink and yes it gets to be too much. You forget you're playing Skyrim because deep down it is a deeply flawed but excellent game with a nice Heroes Journey included.

With all the work people put in, it's amazing at the state even Oldrim is in now. If you like the game, this is the time to play it.

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Agreed KainThePheonix and thanks for the reply. I hadn't given much thought to scripted mods. Just to be sure I have it right, a scripted mod is something that sets up specific events at certain times, like a quest mod. Is that correct? Would a follower mod such as Sofia the funny full voiced follower count as scripted? What about a weather mod that has rain or snow?

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