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If you use NMM for other mods, go to the 'plugins' tab and scroll down and see if you can see any if the mods highlighted in red or just check if any if your mods require other mods to work. Your game usually crashes if you're missing something like another mod or a file.
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  • 1 year later...

For those who have successfully ported this, PLEASE upload it somewhere. Some of us (mainly me) are not capable of porting very well and would love to not go swimming to fish anymore.


While I sympathize with you, the "Permissions and Credits" tab on the original mod specifically say that you have to get the author's permission to re-upload and that the mod uses other modder's assets -and that you have to get their permission as well.


What this means is that no one will likely upload their ported version until (and if) Arodicus gives permission for them to do so. Your best bet is to learn how to port the mod through the CK yourself as that is not against the author's wishes or the rules of Nexus.

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