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Probably going to get flamed for this. Mod removal, and save script cleaner.


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Hi guys.


Okay I've had no end of problems with my game. Having tried fixes suggested here, only to have more problems. I'm that fed up with the problems, as is my son, as he has a separate character running, that I'm almost willing to pay for one of the modding experts to try and fix it for me. After deactivating all the mods, apart from the DLC, and unofficial patch, it's seems stableish. However, I would still like some of these mods running. So it's it possible to reactivate those mods, and then run the save script cleaning tool to remove any orphaned scripts left over from those mods that remain inactive?


Is this possible, or is the game beyond fixing? I've pretty much given up trying to fix it now. Never had this many problems years ago when the game first came out.


Andy .

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It might not be the mods. Or rather, it might not be entirely a problem with the mods conflicting.


Let's try another approach, please list your rig's stats (mobo, CPU, GPU, RAM type and amount, PSU and OS.)


In the meantime, some basic troubleshooting:

1. Are your .NETframeworks up-to-date?

2. Are you using Chrome as your browser? I ask because over a year ago there was a documented issue with Chrome's sandboxing environment messing with NMM's functions and even corrupting downloads. Those issues have supposedly long been patched by Google, but some people still report having problems.

3. Are you using SKSE? If not, watch the video from Gopher (linked at the site) for what it is, does and how to install it.

4. Are you using LOOT? If not, install it, point it at your mod's install path (what folder your mods reside in) and let it sort your load order, then use TES5Edit to clean where indicated. NOTE: A few mods have INTENTIONAL dirty edits, -read each mod's page carefully before cleaning. Cleaning an intentional dirty edit will probably break the mod.

5. And most importantly, RTFM. Seriously, I have to mention that because many folks, even "experienced" ones, sometimes install mods without reading the author's documents on compatibility, dependencies, patches and so-forth.


I guess you can consider #5 as my "flame" since you seem to be expecting one.


Finally, my stance (which is, admittedly, somewhat unpopular) on saves is that once you've removed a mod, you should consider save's based on that mod as useless. You can try to resurrect them, but I recommend simply starting with a new game.

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