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.... isn't about being tartily dressed a waving your ass around, it's something more... unusual. A nearly subliminal thing. You can't really describe it, but you know exactly what it is, it's one of those wierd things.


Yeah, we are getting way desensitized :(

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Get the feeling this thread will swerve off topic pretty darn quick... is Tera a good game..!? don't know,

but it looks 'glossy and vibrant' maybe the fight-engine is good, lets hope so - I like being able to ~Block

in about 3-different plains not just "...hold up Shield...hope for the best. "


Ability to add companions is good and upgrades and enhancements that go on forever.


On the subject of sexualization and ~Games imo think it's here to stay... back in 2000 when

Severance 'Blade of Darkness' was released the Female Archer character was modded from being a sensibly

attired warrioress to the 'new Nude Mod' in a matter of moments. It would seem that nudity and near nudity

continue upon this ever expanding path to this day, and if it's not there... then.. it's like...

"..hey I know a bunch of guys/gals that can do that and put it ~In Game anyways! "


I recon' it's like the TV or any other media... movies etc. Proper Rating of Games goes a long way to protect

the younger audience ...though children with PC's and Smart Phones unfortunately will have/do have an

increased awareness of what is ~out there... games such as Tera imo probaly blur the boundry of child/adult

Game development/marketing...!? :unsure:

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My issue is more that the way women are being depicted in many games does in some form perpetuate the sexist stereotype that women need to look pretty for men. Objectifying women is a big issue, and we can't complain about it being done in ads like this one;




but then simply ignore it when it's basically the same thing in games.


This video from The Escapist illustrates the issue rather nicely.



Edited by Halororor
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Heres some more :P






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Bloody Eliza, that's just wrong mate.


I mean, bad oversexed krpg I can stand, but kiddie porn with rabbit ears... that's just wrong. :sick:


I mean for god's sake, oversexualising (images) of grown women is one thing, bu now children? Shameful.

Edited by Vindekarr
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Bloody Eliza, that's just wrong mate.

Not saying it's right, but Korea, China, and Japan have higher allowances for "cuteness" (sometimes quantified as Moe) than Western countries and don't necessarily make any connection between images of young characters and sexual activity. Westerners see this sort of thing as pedo-bait because that is the only aesthetic value we can reasonably attribute to something like that due to how saturated our own media is with images and themes that sexualize pretty much every depiction of women especially in advertisements, to the point where we almost cannot see it any other way. Westerners are also highly suspicious of any imagery featuring younger children because of the connections with pedophiles and sexual predators (thank you To Catch a Predator) and laws related to them which are a virtual death sentence for anyone even suspected of possessing sentiments or behaviors belonging to a pedophile, regardless of any intentions or circumstances.

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Bloody Eliza, that's just wrong mate.

Not saying it's right, but Korea, China, and Japan have higher allowances for "cuteness" (sometimes quantified as Moe) than Western countries and don't necessarily make any connection between images of young characters and sexual activity. Westerners see this sort of thing as pedo-bait because that is the only aesthetic value we can reasonably attribute to something like that due to how saturated our own media is with images and themes that sexualize pretty much every depiction of women especially in advertisements, to the point where we almost cannot see it any other way. Westerners are also highly suspicious of any imagery featuring younger children because of the connections with pedophiles and sexual predators (thank you To Catch a Predator) and laws related to them which are a virtual death sentence for anyone even suspected of possessing sentiments or behaviors belonging to a pedophile, regardless of any intentions or circumstances.


I totally agree, I seriously dont see anything thats sexual in my screenies, is it the skin from the legs or what? the way she has her hands positioned? what! If this bothers you, please stay away from the beach or waterparks.

Edited by Wrathfulram
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I totally agree, I seriously dont see anything thats sexual in my screenies, is it the skin from the legs or what? the way she has her hands positioned? what! If this bothers you, please stay away from the beach or waterparks.


It's all about context. Nobody has an issue with showing some skin on the beach, but you don't run around in a mall or the countryside in a bikini.

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