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Precisely Halo.


And it's not even the general showing of skin, it's more the fact that it's a character being portrayed as a child showing a whole lot of skin that has me offended.

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I am thinking about pre-ordering the physical collector's edition; I will most likely see if I can get into the beta and play around a bit and see how the game is. I am only a bit hesitant because the last MMO I decided to pre-order was tOR and I became bored of it after about 27 levels; the story is great but everything else began to feel way to repetitive.


I think I might want to try to make an Elin Slayer (if anyone tries to make any "unwanted advances" they can take a great sword to the face) just to see if I can create humorous scenes with a little girl chasing away people twice the size of her with a large great sword.

Edited by Astramorte
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Bloody Eliza, that's just wrong mate.

Not saying it's right, but Korea, China, and Japan have higher allowances for "cuteness" (sometimes quantified as Moe) than Western countries and don't necessarily make any connection between images of young characters and sexual activity. Westerners see this sort of thing as pedo-bait because that is the only aesthetic value we can reasonably attribute to something like that due to how saturated our own media is with images and themes that sexualize pretty much every depiction of women especially in advertisements, to the point where we almost cannot see it any other way. Westerners are also highly suspicious of any imagery featuring younger children because of the connections with pedophiles and sexual predators (thank you To Catch a Predator) and laws related to them which are a virtual death sentence for anyone even suspected of possessing sentiments or behaviors belonging to a pedophile, regardless of any intentions or circumstances.


I absolutely agree.


I guess this topic will follow the same fate as on the tera forums where people were going at eachothers throats because of elin.

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I am now using my friend's account to download Tera client; if I can get into the beta and if it does not use a different beta client, I will be good to go.


As for the revealing armor, I will most likely try my best to avoid those kinds of armor; I won't let that deter me away from the game if it has good gameplay however.

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Heres 3 more screenies. First CBT 1 ended, i have to say I have never had this much fun playing an mmo.


If you want to watch some streams on tera, there much better than youtube vids go here.








And a little party the server had before shut down



Edited by Wrathfulram
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I was thinking of getting this game, and i may still do, if the community is full of friendly fun people, and the gameplay good, then i am most certainly not going to let a few skimpy outfits deter me, i have no problem with them.


Also in my eyes, the Elin look nothing like little girls, they look like Elin. How many little girls have you seen looking like that? with large hips, animal ears, tails, humongous eyes, and anime-like faces? Last time i checked little girls looked like humans, and Elin looked like Elin.


And i agree that a lot of video games over sexualize women... but as a woman myself i can say there is not exactly much wrong with that in a video game, people want to see beautiful and sexy characters in the game they are playing, how many of us have spent hours in character creation tailoring our characters to look just how we want them? For the ones that go right, your character usually looks very attractive, then most people go for body mods and clothing mods. I don't think that it is something that can ever be stopped, and really it does not affect women as a whole... unless you are a blue elf lady.

Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Being a fapfest is the game's major selling point. I've seen videos and then a stream of it. This will prply have no nudity but it is far from subtle about sexually. Not just the armor but the way the females do ANYTHING in this game is sexualized. The way they move, attack everything really. For example females will shake their ass while casting. No joke they will put their hands in the air and move their hips and shake it.

The stream I saw was this little cat girl wearing almost nothing and all the attacks try very hard to look sexy? I mean really wtf??? When the player used battle shouts the little cat girl would bend over and put her butt in the air so you could see her panties?!? Really! This game just goes over the top with it.


And here is the classic old line: Sex Sells.

Not always. I am interested in this game but not going try it because of the way they have designed females (if they do free trial then I'll try). And the loli girls make me want to puke.

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Doesn't even seem to be a choice either, in games like Fallout for example you didn't HAVE to be sexy or not sexy, it was totaly down to you. Here, I'm yet to see a female character actualy wearing any kind of legware. Shoes sure, but in all of these screenshots I'm yet to see a proper set of pants being worn by a female. And I find offensive. It's sexist, but worse, it strips away player choice, which is a deadly game design sin.
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