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Steam Workshop.


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Is it possible to use the Workshop and NMM together?

Yes, that's what i'm doing.


Also Workshop is missing a simple search feature, that would let you search a mod by its name. That alone makes Nexus far superior.

Yes, I agree with that, but they have a mod on the front page to fix followers from stepping on traps and setting them off in my face which would be very very handy. Couldn't find it on Nexus.


Will mods from the workshop show up in NMM?


EDIT: The plugin will show up on the plugin tab of NMM but the mod will not show in the mod tab.

Edited by darthbith
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EDIT: The plugin will show up on the plugin tab of NMM but the mod will not show in the mod tab.


If a mod is simple enough to only need a plugin, then that is all you will see.


Meaning that you can easily download mods using Steam Workshop, then use the Nexus Mod Manager to set up your load order.

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Most mods in the workshop are here in the nexus, I took a look at it and it´s really scary and confusing, steam workshop seems like a trash bin for mods, you upload your mod there and stays there, there is no search option just tons of mods on top of each other it´s really confusing.Not to mention the install thing, you click subscribe and it downloads the files to your game, now what files?I don´t know -.- I don´t feel confortable to install something without checking the files first but anyway glad we have the nexus :)
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I find the Workshop is interesting to browse but any mods hosted there that have containers involved scare me... The instant update without warning feature worries me as well - there just isn't enough control. I like NMM's update feature - look and see if I need it, read the comments to see if it causes a problem, choose to install. Perfect.


I do see a lot of "new to modding" people there, which is good for the community in general but I hope they don't get turned off the idea altogether the first time an update erases all of their stored items or causes a conflict that crashes their game (one that would be easily remedied with Boss or Wrye Bash or eventually NMM). The Workshop is shiny and new, but I think that problems like those will eventually bring some of those new people here, where there is more control of content, help for new authors, etc.


$ .02.

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R.I.P nexus

Hah, I said that once before Steam Workshop went live, half kidding. Now SW is looking like a fail. Too many issues streamlined for showcase value. It looks simple and easy, but such things never are so carefree. I feel for the toddlers who will be crying for support.

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Personally I might use the workshop for some simple and small mods, but in general I will look for alternatives before actually hitting subscribe in the workshop


I'm afraid of that "subscribe" button! I know not what exactly it will do. So I've yet to even try.

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Also Workshop is missing a simple search feature, that would let you search a mod by its name. That alone makes Nexus far superior.


Frustrating, that lack of a search feature. Seems like a blatant funnel for showcasing. I don't mind showcasing as long as I can skip it and actually find what I'm looking for.

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I will definitely be staying with Nexus. Workshop is so unrefined as of now. Nexus has been around and has the modding expertise I trust. The interface with workshop is not user friendly in my opinion; with NMM I'm able to toggle on/off mods easily, while with the workshop I found the only way to disable was to uninstall completely and download again if i wanted it later.


Also, does the Steam Workshop work with physical copies of Skyrim? Would be very unfair to those that didn't buy theirs through steam.


<3 Nexus

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Most mods in the workshop are here in the nexus, I took a look at it and it´s really scary and confusing, steam workshop seems like a trash bin for mods, you upload your mod there and stays there, there is no search option just tons of mods on top of each other it´s really confusing.Not to mention the install thing, you click subscribe and it downloads the files to your game, now what files?I don´t know -.- I don´t feel confortable to install something without checking the files first but anyway glad we have the nexus :)


They're just esp files saved in your Data folder. You activate it through data files, just like it has been for years and years.

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