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How to make fast travel mat how in a settlement created with CK?

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Hi everyone, here's my problem: i created a settlement in the middle of the sea for my character.


I placed the workshop, i placed the default empty trigger, i placed the map marker. So i can build in that area as i wish, but, i have a problem: when i create a fast travel mat in the workshop and place it, it simply doesn't work, i'm geting constantly ported to my default map marker when i am doing fast travel.


This is getting really annoying as my settlement is empty for building purposes, and i simply want to move my fast travel point of arrival when i feel it's necessary.


I am searching in vanilla settlement in order to see what i could have missed, but i cannot find why i can't make fast travel mat functionning.


If someone as and idea and can help me, you'll be my savior, thanks.

Edited by Clanggedin
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I'd suggest opening FO4Edit, having it build references*, then looking at a vanilla settlement workbench record (like 0001D0E2). Follow the various links (both in the "referenced By" Tab and the "Linked References" field. That should let you figure out what things you need to do to make it a "proper" settlement. At a guess, it's either something in the Location record that the workbench is connected to, or the Linked References for the placed workbench.


*On the left side, right click -> Other -> Build Reference Info -> Fallout4.esm -> Ok

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Hi everyone, here's my problem: i created a settlement in the middle of the sea for my character.


I placed the workshop, i placed the default empty trigger, i placed the map marker. So i can build in that area as i wish, but, i have a problem: when i create a fast travel mat in the workshop and place it, it simply doesn't work, i'm geting constantly ported to my default map marker when i am doing fast travel.


This is getting really annoying as my settlement is empty for building purposes, and i simply want to move my fast travel point of arrival when i feel it's necessary.


I am searching in vanilla settlement in order to see what i could have missed, but i cannot find why i can't make fast travel mat functionning.


If someone as and idea and can help me, you'll be my savior, thanks.

if what you mentioned is all that you have placed then my friend you are missing quite a few things to make it a functional settlement.

Have you created a parental quest ?,location initialization ?, Location and encounter zone ? etc.


If you want pm me with a link to your mod and ill have quick look

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Hi, thanks for your answers.



It may be because the workshop isn't fully tied to the mapmarker without all the stuff to make it a real settlement, this the things built there wouldn't fully tie in either.

...but that's only a wild guess.


Yes, this was my first though at the beginning, so i double checked everything, it was correct.




I'd suggest opening FO4Edit, having it build references*, then looking at a vanilla settlement workbench record (like 0001D0E2). Follow the various links (both in the "referenced By" Tab and the "Linked References" field. That should let you figure out what things you need to do to make it a "proper" settlement. At a guess, it's either something in the Location record that the workbench is connected to, or the Linked References for the placed workbench.


*On the left side, right click -> Other -> Build Reference Info -> Fallout4.esm -> Ok


Yes, i tried that to, because i had follow a tutorial on youtube, i though there as some steps missing, so i decided to check a settlement from the base game (Abernathy farm), i checked everything to see if i missed something, but after double and triple checked, there was nothing more in Abernathy farm than in my settlement, except in Abernathy farm, the fast travel mat was functionning.




if what you mentioned is all that you have placed then my friend you are missing quite a few things to make it a functional settlement.

Have you created a parental quest ?,location initialization ?, Location and encounter zone ? etc.


If you want pm me with a link to your mod and ill have quick look



Yes, in fact i have done a little more than that, but i didn't know how to describe it precisely.

Yesterday evening, i decided to rebuild my settlement from scratch, by following that tutorial: http://stuyk.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=11&t=32


I followed every step exactly as described, it took me three hours to finish, half was used to double check every step to see if i was doing it correctly, and at the end, it changed nothing, my fast travel target doesn't work at all.


So i don't get it, is there something else missing? Or something who should not be here?

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  • 2 years later...

For future reference (encountered a similar problem, is why I ended up here), the Fast Travel Target is a marker reflinked by the map marker. The fast travel mat script will try to access it like so:

; get map marker's linked ref
ObjectReference mapMarkerTarget = workshopRef.myMapMarker.GetLinkedRef()

If the myMapMarker property on the settlements workshopscript is not set (missing init script) or set to a wrong map marker (in some places such as Hangman's Alley, init routine may possibly pick the wrong map marker), fast travel mat will not work.


So, how to fix this after the fact? Unfortunately, using a WorkshopInitializeLocation Quest for an already installed Settlement seems not to work. Or at least I couldn't get it to work.


What does work is this small scriptlet I came up with (see link). It can be attached to the bugged settlement's workshop. Once the cell gets attached/loaded, the script will make sure the myMapMarker property of the settlement's workshopscript points to a map marker you specify. Specifying the settlement's map marker therefore restores the ability to use fast travel mat in that particular settlement.


Find the scriptlet source code here: https://pastebin.com/E3AjYTHp


Please do note that there might be other reasons than the one mentioned above, as to why fast travel mat might not work. For example, fast travel target marker might be missing entirely or there might be no reflink from the map marker to the fast travel target marker. The scriptlet won't help in those cases, so it's by no means a cure-all. You also shouldn't use it for building a new settlement.

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