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I was wondering why the last topic I read on it seemed to shoot down the idea of horses? There are several references to horses in books in morrowind

(not from mods)...and it would make sense with the imperial occupation of

morrowind wouldn't it?


Just curious....




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As far as i've gathered from other threads, animating riding a horse is damned difficult without a really full understanding of the editor.


It is possible, i think, but as far as i know no-one has released a working one yet.


The reason the previous thread you mentioned was shot down is because the mods and most of the more prolific posters are tired of seeing the same old threads on the topic. At least you managed to put a spin on it ;)

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thanks for the input... I hadn't though about the lack of grass..... how sill y of me....

I can't even figure out how to install the tes set so I don't have a clue how to do the scripting for an actual horse... not the infamouse horse "pants" mod...


if you just want to take a screen shot of your person riding a horse then it's cool though...



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there is a horse mod out actually...a crap horse mod, but its a hard thing to do, script it all (you'd need to know the scripting language as a second language!), modelling (3ds) animation (3ds) and mind you, animation is bloody hard, just animating a finger is mind boggiling.
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Yes, basically it's near impossible and pretty damn improbable for anyone to do a horse mod. It would require someone with detailed knowledge of both 3D Studio Max AND the Morrowind scripting language at the same time. That's pretty unlikely since modellers are quite rare (since 3DS costs $3,000+!) and their time is almost completely taken up with modelling from what I've seen.
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