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Earth- The second Venus?


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It is a deca-post. No need to apologies, you could be a record holder! :laugh:


As for earth ending up like Venus...


I doubt it would happen but who knows maybe in the very distant future. There are theories on terraforming Venus to make it habitable. Maybe it just needs life on it to keep it stable (life that can shade out the sun :tongue:), just like a barn needs animals to stay standing. If things start getting hot on the earth we could probably implement some of the same theoretical terraforming techniques to prevent it.



we couldnt live in a climate like venus. its hot enough there to melt Lead! no amount of terraforming would help. Earth wont end up like venus because our atmosphere is different. it will end up more like mercury....i think


The theory starts off with mass cooling of the planet by shading the sun with large satellite-ish devices and than start encouraging water to form with hydrogen bombardments or something along those lines. Than once it is cool enough the terraforming begins.

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I guess you guys forgot one very important thing. the main reason Venus barely has a rotational speed of any sort... and why it's in the mess it is.. it has no Tidal action....

Venus would be very much like Earth if it possessed a moon or moons capable of creating a stable tidal action and thus a stable rotation... if we could build a moon and toss it in Venus' orbit

after a few million years it would be just like Earth.

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It is a deca-post. No need to apologies, you could be a record holder! :laugh:


As for earth ending up like Venus...


I doubt it would happen but who knows maybe in the very distant future. There are theories on terraforming Venus to make it habitable. Maybe it just needs life on it to keep it stable (life that can shade out the sun :tongue:), just like a barn needs animals to stay standing. If things start getting hot on the earth we could probably implement some of the same theoretical terraforming techniques to prevent it.



we couldnt live in a climate like venus. its hot enough there to melt Lead! no amount of terraforming would help. Earth wont end up like venus because our atmosphere is different. it will end up more like mercury....i think


The theory starts off with mass cooling of the planet by shading the sun with large satellite-ish devices and than start encouraging water to form with hydrogen bombardments or something along those lines. Than once it is cool enough the terraforming begins.


cooling off the planet by removing the sun doesnt change the planet. its atmosphere is soo thick, its absorbed the suns heat and it stays there.


it lso rains sulfuric acid btw. another devastating feature of the planet next to its heat :P

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It is a deca-post. No need to apologies, you could be a record holder! :laugh:


As for earth ending up like Venus...


I doubt it would happen but who knows maybe in the very distant future. There are theories on terraforming Venus to make it habitable. Maybe it just needs life on it to keep it stable (life that can shade out the sun :tongue:), just like a barn needs animals to stay standing. If things start getting hot on the earth we could probably implement some of the same theoretical terraforming techniques to prevent it.



we couldnt live in a climate like venus. its hot enough there to melt Lead! no amount of terraforming would help. Earth wont end up like venus because our atmosphere is different. it will end up more like mercury....i think


The theory starts off with mass cooling of the planet by shading the sun with large satellite-ish devices and than start encouraging water to form with hydrogen bombardments or something along those lines. Than once it is cool enough the terraforming begins.


cooling off the planet by removing the sun doesnt change the planet. its atmosphere is soo thick, its absorbed the suns heat and it stays there.


it lso rains sulfuric acid btw. another devastating feature of the planet next to its heat :P


The crazy theories about living on other planets goes into detail about all the problems. The atmosphere would be removed. Here is a paper someone has written about how it would be 'possible'. The top contains a quick summary.: paper


The only reason I bring this up is that there are several methods to make an uninhabitable planet capable of supporting life (in theory). If a planet with no life and a horrible atmosphere/climate is a potential new world for humans that what would be stopping us from using some of said methods on our big blue Earth to prevent it from ending up a scorched rock. I don't really care about the migration of man to Venus, it is just that in relation to the initial topic these theories could be used to sustain a planet heading the same way (if Earth even is, which may not even happen/ will not be for an extremely long time).

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A couple of points:


Water cannot turn into Lava. That's just not good science, you know?


Venus is screwed because it is far too close to the Sun and has no Moon so it doesn't rotate. If it were to have a moon, it would only be less cloudy and still rotate.


There is not another planet "further in" that is "maintaining". The only closer planet is Mercury and it's not much more than a cinder.


Earth is not dying, it has been through worse than this... relatively recently on the geological scale.

Edited by Jeoshua
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Think maybe he means its Very Slow.. takes like 250 days or something to make a full rotation... Also if I remember right, the Same face of the planet (due to orbit and rotation) always faces the sun.. and also the face we see from earth always faces earth.. kinda wierd..


Also .. someone better make a RL sulfuric acid Umbrella Mod..

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takes like 250 days or something to make a full rotation.

Yep, it takes 243 Earth days. So that means a day on Venus actually lasts longer then a year on Venus, which only lasts 224 Earth days.


and also the face we see from earth always faces earth.. kinda wierd..

Nope. we do see different "sides" of Venus. Not that it really matters. It's just clouds all over anyway.


It wouldn't be all that weird though. The moon always faces us with the same side too after all. :biggrin:

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i wish Earth had rings. you know how cool it would be to look up and see giant rings around the planet! :teehee:


That would be pretty cool 8) . I suspect it would make it a bit more challenging to see stars/predict meteors but it would be a small price to pay for an amazing view ;D .

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