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Problems after cleaning GIANTS Ultimate and Wilderness Mod 2.0 TB & BM


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I'm having a problem with GIANTS Ultimate and Wilderness Mod 2.0 TB & BM. Both are ESMs and I cleaned them with tes3cmd... Now I'm getting these warnings about some of their respective ESP patches:


"One of the files that "Z4K_Giants_AddToLev_Patch.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors.
One of the files that "ab01Wilderness2.1patch.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.
This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message
but not necessarily fix any errors."
I know I can restore the original ESMs for the problem to go away... But shouldn't the game work just fine with the cleaned versions? Why am I getting these warnings?
Edited by 830bet
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"One of the files that "PluginName.esp" is dependent on has changed since the last save.

This may result in errors. Saving again will clear this message but not necessarily fix any errors."


That usually means the plugin was created with a different version of Morrowind to the one you have installed. It can mean a different language, or an earlier game version (e.g. pre-Tribunal).


When creating a plugin (.ESP) the plugin's masters (.ESM) are recorded in the plugin header, along with the ESM's file size.


When you load a plugin the saved file size is checked against the file size of the relevant ESM you have installed.


If they don't match that error is shown.


You can fix it in Wrye Mash. On the mods tab these mods will have a yellow checkbox, select them and then look for the Save button in the bottom right. Click that and the plugin header will be updated with the file sizes of the ESMs from your install. You won't see the error again.

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Thank you very much for your reply!


What you suggested worked fine with ab01Wilderness2.1patch.esp, but isn't working with Z4K_Giants_AddToLev_Patch.esp


Wrye Mash Fork Python Version 2014.08.31 gives the following error after clicking on "save":


Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\masher.py", line 1399, in OnSave
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\mosh.py", line 5105, in load
    record = Scpt(name,size,delFlag,recFlag,ins,True)
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\mosh.py", line 1907, in __init__
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\mosh.py", line 853, in __init__
    if ins: self.load(ins,unpack)
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\mosh.py", line 864, in load
  File "D:\Morrowind\Mopy\mash\mosh.py", line 1924, in loadData
    raise Tes3Error(self.inName,_('Unknown SCPT record: ')+name)
mash.mosh.Tes3Error: Z4K_Giants_AddToLev_Patch.esp: Unknown SCPT record: DELE
Edited by 830bet
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