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If you ignore too many people on the forums, you can't view the whole list


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No the sarcasm was quite clear. As a recognized mod author i can say it didnt take long to become one. Nothing really changed though. Just a handful of features, a discord server, and some sub forums. People with mods larger then the ones i have are the ones who would have the troublesome users harassing them and they will aquire 1000 downloads a lot faster. The reasoning for it is sound and mostly insignificant.
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I hope so. I understand the system on the forum side but limiting control on ones mods seems pointless. Also at least it's not Bethnets system... Cant even delete posts on your own mod pages.
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The site owner explained it in detail in this post when the author moderation tools were first introduced.


I believe it was more a technical reason than telling off those not yet inside the group when it was bound to the requirement as it is.


For what it's worth, you're already quite close to the entry barrier as well. It shouldn't take long for you to also get the tools. And in the mean time, there's still the report button and staff to respond.

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For what it's worth, you're already quite close to the entry barrier as well. It shouldn't take long for you to also get the tools. And in the mean time, there's still the report button and staff to respond.


If that encouragement was addressed to me (since I was the one being sarcastic), I was excited and then confused. The threshold is 1000 UNIQUE downloads. I barely have half that (I just did the arithmetic). But thanks for the good cheer.

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To be fair, if one has less than the magic number it's less likely he needs those tools since he will have much less comments. Having had a look at your mods for curiosity you have a high proportion of idiots though. In any case, the entry-bar is pretty achievable imo, just give it time. Then you can block them all if you wish, it's fun.

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