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Been a few years, returning to New Vegas. Need some Guidance


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Hello guys, Fallout: NV was one of the first games I've ever modded fully(Morrowind a tab bit) and a person favorite of mine. I'm returning after a long hiatus. When I was modding my game Gopher videos were the Go to video for how to mod the game and it offered a lot of non-conflicting mods. I know A LOT has some out since then, I'm just looking for a guide or something that could help me bring FNV into 2017, mostly graphic updates, gun handling, weapons etc. Hopefully, I'm not being vague as heck, if so just let me know. Mostly looking for a more up to date guide then gopher videos.


Thank you.

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If it's been that long, you might want to start with the wiki "FNV General Mod Use Advice" article to refresh your memory of some of the differences from other games. It includes links to several complementary guides on how to get a stable setup, including "essential" game fix mods.


Prioritizing, installing and testing each mod separately as you install it is still the best way to determine compatibility. A list of mods that work on someone else's system is no guarantee it will work on yours, even if the hardware is the same. Start mixing in the variations due to updates (or not), patches to work with other plugins, preferences, different "load orders", etc. and it's not surprising. That said, I would suggest the "Fear and Loathing" guide on the S.T.E.P. pages is the closest to the Gopher video series.


I'll reiterate something in the "General Advice" article: 'pretty' doesn't beat out 'playable'. Get a stable game with what you consider essential for game play before pursuing "beautification" mods. No matter how "latest and greatest" your hardware now, the game engine was still designed for the 2010 console mass market (pre Vista). There WILL be limits you can't overcome. "High Definition graphics" come at a cost.


As for the new mods, Nexus endorsements are still a reasonable way to filter mod popularity. Just don't expect the latest to have built up as many as older mods. Al Chestbreach has an entertaining series of "let play" types of videos showcasing various mods as well as his own tutorial series.


Oh, and when you run into trouble (because we all do), Please follow the guidelines in the wiki "How to ask for help" article. It will save a lot of time getting your problem fixed.



Edited by dubiousintent
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The Gopher videos, IMO, are still the best place to start to get the basic essentials. After that my perfered method is just to scan through the catergories one by one and see what strikes my fancy. The important thing is to do a fair amount of testing as you add new items so that if an issue comes up you will have a better idea what mods you added that are causing it.

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