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Fortify shout POWER/magnitude?


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Hello everyone,


We all know there are ways to decrease the timer for shouts, but I'm messing around with abilities, enchantments and the like and I want to create an ability that has increased shout power/magnitude. Sadly I can't find anything in the CK that I would need to apply. There is an 'associated item' (in the magic effect form) called ShoutRecoveryMult, but I can't find anything that would increase shout power. How would I go about doing that? Is the only option I have to create custum shouts if I want this? :S


Thanks in advance,



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I don't think this is simple.


I believe it could be done by creating a series of more powerful shouts, and then placing use requirements on those shouts, in the form of special perks, which are not shown on any perk tree.


Use scripts on the Magic Effect to add the perk to the player, and then after a timer ends, remove the perk, which would effectively time limited, enable and disable the more powerful version of the shout.


The player would still need to select the improved version of the shout, instead of the normal shout version.


Perhaps someone else on the forums knows how to use scripts to make a particular shout the selected shout, but I've never found that function.


Note that persistent scripts, those with timers, if overused, tend to bog the game engine down, so you would want to do this technique in moderation.


The Magic Effect Script would only trigger a quest script, which would hold the timer and other persistent data.

Edited by VanKrill
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Thank you for your reply.


I'm thinking of creating a custom race. I could for that purpose make a set of stronger shouts and add those to the race. Problem solved (?). But it's a shame there's no general buff possible as a skill/ability.

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You can make a perk that modifies spell magnitude and then condition it to only work on spells with the MagicShout keyword.

I am going to try this when I get home today.


I believe that the shouts are prohibited from spell magnitude increases, being a different and tightly controlled form of magic, but I could be wrong.


The guy in the above link, post #18 is able to make changes to the recovery timing of shouts in realtime, but the mechanism has some limitations on global cool down timers.



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In a worst case scenario, you can always ignore the spell magnitude variable in the magic effect entirely and use a global variable to fill the same role, and based on it, use scripts to target and call various fixed output secondary magic effects.


But the system is clumsy and requires allot of handshaking with global variables.


Many mods that add new skill tree elements like adding carpentry, fletcher and bowyer skills to the smithing skill tree use this technique to create independent skill levels for smithing vs.carpentry vs leather working.


I personally, in my mods, just renamed the smithing skill to "Crafting", and left it all under one skill level, with various new player selected perks to accomplish the same thing.


A similar technique could be used in enabling specialized shouts.


Keep in mind, there are lots of hidden perks used by Bethesda in the game to add special abilities to races and NPCs.


Not all perks end up in a player selected perk tree of stars on a constellation background.


This is how they implemented things like the racial special powers.



Edited by VanKrill
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You can modify the magnitude of shouts using perks. Many mods do it.

Okay, I believe you, I just haven't ever had reason to pursue it.


So, does it use the same magic Magnitude Variable defined in spells?


Can you make a standard magic effect, which includes a duration timer, which will take away the increase, after a preset time limit?

(I believe that this was one of the requirements of the OP Request, but perhaps not...)


Can you name a mod that does this, so that I can download and dissect it ?



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SPERG does it, as does my own Predators mod. On my phone right now so getting links is a pain, but let me know if you can't find them.


You can make a magic effect which applies the perk and then removes it when the spell has expired.

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