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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Luther shrugged, he patted the dogs head as he got a beer from the bar. Luther wrote: " They're was a group of mercenary's of some sort attacking the Temple of Stendarr, anything you can tell me about that?"


OOC: That sounds scary, good luck bud!

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Aardorn sat in his study when he was interrupted, he quickly hid what he was writing and a captain entered "Whats the trouble captain?"

"Someone has evaded our guards and is sitting in the black swan inn"


"He appears mute sir, orders?"

"If he has snuck past our guards and into the castle, it is probably easy enough to guess he is an enemy, captain"

"So what should I do?"

"Capture him, I would then like him to be taken to the gaol, where I will question him later"

"Yes, sir"

"And captain?"


"Close the door on your way out"

"Yes sir" the captain left and closed the door, Aardorn went back to writing


"Okay you dogs! The sentries have missed a man, who is in the black swan in! As you all know, we have enacted the Autumn contingency, as such, no man is allowed to pass through the gates without authorisation from any one ranked captain or higher! Our lord has decided that this man could be dangerous, seeing how he has snuck in and has breached our contingency." The captain shouted to four men "I have already order the gates be shut, as they should have been, and that the sentries who were on break have returned to support their comrade! We are to arrest this uninvited guest. He is mute, so give him time to write what he wants to say, you under stand?"


"Good! You two, go and inform the rest of the guards to return to their duties, at this current time, we must be ever vigilant! The other two, come with me" the captain and two men proceeded to the black swan in, at the door they were met by another guard, all four entered, and spoke loudly to them in the inn "All right everyone, no need to panic, just line up neat and orderly. Official business, we'll be quick." The people in the inn complied, and the captain waited for Nawen, Dirmire and Luther to do the same

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"We all have our doubts..." Nawen said and looked down at her tea. A dead fly was floating in it. She was about to order another one when four guards entered the inn and told everyone to line up. "What's this about?" She thought but said nothing and got up from her seat and went to the back of the line.
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Dirmire stood up and got into the line,"Who are you looking for?"


"Quiet please, sir" The guard said "Whats your name?" then he stared at Luther, then whispered to his captain, the captain shrugged

"Whats your name, sir?" The captain asked Luther

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