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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Luther got up and entered the line. He forgot his journal at the table and simply pointed at his neck.


The captain looked at the other guard, then sighed "If you can speak, say I!" Their was a loud chorus of I's, and the captain was satisfied, he looked at Luther "please come with us, don't make a scene"


OOC; Be back in a few

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Dirmire walked next to Nawen,"Don't get involed, I'm not being harsh but the best thing for luther is for him to tell the truth and then if the guards don't believe him then we'll step in. We don't need to make of our selves if we don't have to." Dirmire whispered into Nawen ear so the guards couldn't hear. "We'll follow him descreatly to see if they do anything, he'll will be ok." Dirmire then turned to face the guards. Edited by Meciathe
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"Your friend is right, it's best not to get involved in this sort of business" The guards led Luther to the dungeon, they turned to him, the captain began to speak

"Lets start with what we know. You entered through our gates, blatantly ignoring the sentries, yes?"

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Dirmire followed and looked at the dungeon.


The guard at the door slammed it shut and locked it, before calling from the other end "This isn't your afair"


"I will speak to the men about deriliction of duty, but entering this place without authorisation is a serious crime at the current time. You could be a empire agent, which at the current time is bad. And therefore, I have decided agent of the empire, to hang you by the neck until you are..."

"Very much alive" Aardorn said, entering from behind the captain "This man has no business here, but he is no agent of the empire, we would know else. Just remind him to wait next time and release him, there was no need for such a harsh response." Aardorn opened the door "You may go" Then he turned to the captain "Walk with me a minute"


In the castle halls, Aardorn exchanged words with the captain "Your excessive zeal could cost us dearly one day captain"

"Those were your orders sir"

"You were supposed to question him, not attempt to kill him!"


"Just check the response next time, and doing my job isn't much appreciated either" Aardorn said "Baring occasions where I've asked you to"

"Under stood sir, it won't happen again"

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