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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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OOC: No, theres Bear, Krill, Eagle, Fox, plus dirmire in disguise


Aardorn counted them up "Theres only eight" he said "And what goods he?" he pointed at luther. He nodded at Sienna and drew his sword, the soldiers drew their weapons as well, then they all climbed in

"Looks clear" Fox said

"Aw, I was looking forward to killing something" Bear said

Edited by Brutii
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Luther followed Sienna, he couldn't put the fire away and the storage room was completely lit up. Luther saw that the door wasn't even locked surprisingly. He continued to follow the group around. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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"But I'm sure that your dark elven friend is with the others as well." Shadow said and looked at Selene.


Nawen followed Sienna closely. Once they were inside the palace she quickly looked around in case guards are somewhere nearby. She frowned a bit when she heard Bear talking. After all this time her opinion still remained the same when it comes to killing.

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"Do I look like a mage to you?" Shadow asked and looked at Mirabelle. Her enthusiasm started to annoy him a bit. It was quite obvious that she doesn't care about the people who they are about to fight but Selene and him liked those people and even for someone like him it wasn't really easy. Maybe he was getting soft or something?
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"No, now that you mention it you don't..but still you can prove very useful.! she paused "Look I have no idea who we are up against Ive never met these people...but we have no other choice...If you don't want me to attack, just ask. I'm trying my hardest to understand whats wrong but I'm afraid I just don't." She replied sadly.
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