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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"I think you should stop talking right now." Selene said. "We surprise them.... we are teleporting to the throne room." Selene said, she cast a spell and she, Mirabelle and Shadow were transported to the throne room, while the group after them went up the staircase, Selene sat upon her throne and waited.


Sienna reached the top floor with Aardorn and the others. "Okay, they are in here..." She smashed through the door and ran in, tripping and touching the rune, as it exploded she cried out in pain and dropped to her knees, "Damn! they are not here!"


Aardorn sighed "They're here somewhere"

"They can't just vanish!" Bear said

"Actually they can"

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Luther covered his eyes as the rune exploded, he looked back down the staircase. Luther quickly started walking down again, as he reached the throne room he stopped in-front of the door, to see Selene, Shadow, and another female in the room. Luther looked at all three and waited for the rest of the group.
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Shadow was about to say something but they all were teleported. "How fun." He said and looked at the two women.


Nawen noticed the man in the pool of blood and frowned. What the hell happened in here? She noticed that no one was here and she actually felt relieved because of this.

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"Permission granted Mirabelle." Selene said, she then looked at Luther and made sure her face showed no emotion.


Sienna got up and ran down the staircase, until she reached where luther was. "So.... We meet again Sister." Sienna said holding her Greatsword tight.


Aardorn entered, standing still, then the soldiers entered, bear laughed "This'll be fun" he said

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Nawen ran after Sienna. She stopped as they reached the throne room. The drow saw Selene, Shadow and another woman with them. She just watched them with no weapons in her hands. She still couldn't believe that Selene did this and she hoped that there won't be any need to fight.
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"Sister? You! You let live?! Of course... you married the priest, i see. Now you wish to pass judgement on me hmm? A shame you are inferior then is it not sister? Never actually recognised as the daughter of our father. Instead you were frozen... But now is not the time for such squabbles. I can only assume you wish my end? You all think it is me who has set in motion the destruction of the nine? Of course you do. For every one of you is too blind to look beneath the surface, to dig for information. No instead you follow the tune of the high and mighty crusader." Selene said scornfully, rising from her throne.


"Hold you're tongue witch! Or i shall cut it from you!" Sienna shouted, to blinded by pride to listen to the voice telling her that her sister was right.

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