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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Shadow was relieved to see ninjas or whatever they're called. He just wasn't good at up close combat. He saw Nawen nearby. The vampire noticed how she wasn't fighting. He didn't want to fight either so maybe she will be able to help. "Nawen!" He shouted and the drow turned to him. "I know that you can use your ranger-y spells! Do it now! This should help!" He threw a small potion bottle to her. She quickly drank the liquid inside. It was the most disgusting thing she ever tasted but she hoped that this might help.

The drow started casting an entangle spell. Roots started rising from the ground, destroying the nice looking floor. The roots started to entangle everyone's arms and feet without hurting them, they seemed stronger than ever and Nawen only hoped that this will stop everyone from the pointless fighting. "Everyone just STOP!" She shouted.

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The portals were made of magic far more powerful than Krill could comprehend, once he tried to dismantle them they threw him away with a dark current, spawning another Ninja.


The Ninja faced with Eagle made sure there was no time to be had in the battle, he rushed at the archer as he drew his blade, thrusting his katana forward, aiming for the throat.


The one assisting shadow stumbled, but brought his blade around at Bear. While the first that was faced with Fox was destroyed, the second released a torrent of cuts upon Fox, trying to slash at major organs.


Selene Picked up her sister and threw her to the ground, standing on her throat she said "That is enough."


OOC: Krills a she already!


Krill wasn't as strong as the portals, but could easily zap away the ninja, she threw a large fire ball at the ninja


Eagle rolled to the side, drawing his sword


Bear blocked with his shield, while fox kicked at the ninja, then smashing his shield towards mirabelles nose


Aardorn looked at the roots, as they entagled round everyone "Krill! Some of your magic might be useful right about now!"


"Already on it sir!" She replied, burning the vines and shooting electricity at Nawen

Edited by Brutii
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Luther grabbed his ink and quill and drew two symbols on the ground. As he began to chant the symbols began to glow, one created a ward around Nawen, to make sure he doesn't get hurt. and the other gave Luther a light in his hand. He walked up to Fox and stuck it in Fox's face, trying to blind him, but he stood back as Nawen shouted and stopped doing anything. Edited by TheBestIdiot122
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Luther grabbed his ink and quill and drew two symbols on the ground. As he began to chant the symbols began to glow, one created a ward around Nawen, to make sure he doesn't get hurt. and the other gave Luther a light in his hand. He walked up to Fox and stuck it in Fox's face, trying to blind him, but he stood back as Nawen shouted and stopped doing anything.


Fox laughed, he spun it round and pushed it towards Luther "Forget it, weakling, magic is for the weak!" Krill shot him a look "Sorry" he said

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Whilst he was blinded Mirabelle kicked him in his -censored- and pushed him to the ground. He turned to the man and said "Um, thank you." She winked.


Fox laughed "I'm wearing armour, *censored*" then he grabbed her leg, then spun her round, kicking her in the back "Face down prostitute!"

Edited by Brutii
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"ENOUGH!!" said a heavenly and angry voice, as a shockwave was sent through the entire chamber, knocking everyone to there knees, The vines Nawen summoned were increased with holy power, wrapping around everyone ensuring they could not move. Iodiria slowly floated down to the ground where she stood, disgusted at what she saw. "That is enough. From all of you. The truth has been revealed and you're empress is innocent. This fight is unessential. It is unneeded. I thought better of you all, you are not animals."
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