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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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OOC: Switched computers so I'm good. And not mad. :thumbsup:


IC: It was silent for a bit before Kristoph realized he had to get back to Dawnstar. But he wanted to get caught up with Adrian, and not worry about gold and death.


"I need to get back to Dawnstar. But maybe you could come with me?" Kristoph asked. Adrian looked at him.


"I can't just leave everything behind. I have a stall to run, a buissness to keep track of, I couldn't leave," she replied.


"And you think I wouldn't let you live off of my gold? I'm richer than a nobleman, and I just keep getting more gold. How about it?" Kristoph said.


"I guess I can then," Adrian replied. Kristoph smiled.


"Ok, let's go."



They both eventually reached Dawnstar to see that something was wrong. Two dead guards were on the main road leading into the town. Kristoph unsheathed Darkrend and checked the bodies.


"Fresh dead. Something's going on," he said.


"Then we should check it out," Adrian replied. They checked around the town to see a group of guards fighting some Orcish warriors. Maybe a common problem for Markarth, but in Dawnstar? Now that was suprising.

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Kristoph assisted in running the orcs out of the town, and approached the guards.


"What happened?" he asked.


"They came out of nowhere. We managed to keep the jarl safe, but we think most of the town is held up in the mine. Help us out by watching the main road," a guard said.


"Aye," Kristoph turned to Adrian. "Let's go." As they watched over the main road, Kristoph began to wonder what life outside of Skyrim would be like. Everyone he worked with had been in other provinces, but Kristoph had only lived in Skyrim, but he had vetured outside sometimes, but for very small time frames. He thought about looking for work in High Rock before, but he never got anything. Skyrim must've been what suited him.


"Doesn't look like they want to come back," Adrian said, cutting Kristoph out from deep thought.


"I guess so," he replied. "C'mon, I'll show you to my house." He led Adrian to a small cottage, and he unlocked the door. Inside was pretty small and empty, but Kristoph was the only one who lived there before he saw Adrian again.


"Not bad," Adrian said, looking around. Kristoph shut the door and sat on the bed, sorting out papers. Contract from letter, and vise-versa, as always. But he did come across a letter from a very old contact. He was in Morrowind, and apperantly wanting to catch up.


"Maybe this is my break from Skyrim," Kristoph said aloud.


"What was that?" Adrian asked.


"Nothing, just an old contact wanting me in Morrowind. Want to go?" Kristoph asked.


"Morrowind? I guess," Adrian replied.

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Selene sat, took another sip, and waited for the next move.


Back in Morrowind all was well. In 20 years Iodiria had done the impossible, she had returned morrowind to it's former glory, it now surpassed every expectation, she herself was the one true god, and was both worshiped and respected by the people. It was a land ripe with resources, lush forests and dense rain-forests, beautiful plants and vivid wildlife. The ashlands now sported flowers and grass, settlers had moved in, and all of the former cities restored, and built up ten times better.


Iodiria resided in her large palace inside red mountain, it had been made even more grand, as had the citadels of the ash vampires.


Iodiria stood in the heart chamber, pacing in front of the heart, she was always researching it, learning more and more about this source of immortal power. she then sat down in her study on the other end of the chamber, she began to write many notes on what she had discovered...

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