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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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OOC: Ooo... new people. Helloes! *waves* I'm afraid I'll be useless with the recaping or whatever the word is. :D


Nawen continued her pleasant stroll through the city. The people were getting even more anxious, some even picked up rocks from the ground. Nawen sighed and looked at her panther. Why people are so hostile towards her and her panther? It's not like she ever attacked anyone innocent. Sinn is a smart animal and knows better than to attack someone who isn't attacking her. Nawen started mumbling something in elvish, then suddenly the panther disappeared. The drow listened with the slight smile on her face when people started gasping and running around, looking for the animal. Nawen looked at the small wooden statue of the panther in her hand. She stroked the head of the wooden panther with her finger gently before putting the small statue in her pack and left the town quickly.

The drow ranger returned back to the wilds. Even if these wilds are nothing like the Neverwinter Wood or Icewind Dale, it still felt like home. Her thoughts about home were distracted by the sounds of someone crying. Nawen stopped and looked around for a while. She could not see anyone. Maybe it was a ghost? But then suddenly she saw a person which seemed like a woman kneeling on the ground. The drow quickly rushed towards the woman to see if she's alright. "Is everything alright?" Nawen asked when she had finally approached the woman.

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OOC: I would've posted last night but my internet died. UGH! I want my cable back. :verymad: And I am not new, I've just been proposed dead for the past month of so......


IC: A caravan sped through a forest, preferably, in Cyrodil. Kristoph jumped tree to tree after the caravan. Eventually, the dunmer rogue had passed the caravan and he turned to shoot an arrow that killed the driver. The horses stopped without anyone giving out what to do. Kristoph jumped down, sheathing his bow and walking toward the caravan. He opened the wooden trunk, and saw a couple bags of gems and gold. Two other people jumped from the tree lines, a girl and a guy. Evan and Adrian.


"Did we just come across the Imperial supply line?" Evan asked.


"No, this is a setup. Whoever did this wants me dead," Kristoph replied.


"Who doesn't?" Evan joked. Kristoph opened a chest and pulled out a scroll, and he opened it. In clear writing, he read over it.


"A delivery order, to Skyrim. No city, just some kind of coordinate. Marked and signed by a 'K.'" he said.


"Who's K?" Adrian asked.


"I don't know, but it's the same K that's been sending thugs after me and giving the guards some tips. But these supplies, what are they for?" Kristoph walked around to the body, but the pockets were empty, containing no information.


"What are we going to do with the jewels?" Evan asked.


"Burn them. This stuff might be being tracked, we can't afford that risk. At least, I can't." Kristoph pulled a torch out and lit it using a fire spell, small magic that he inherited as a dark elf. He began to light the wooden caravan on fire, and he backed away, tossing the torch into the caravan. After a bit, Kristoph absorbed the fire into a cloak, where it faded away to his control. Yet another inherited power. That and the cold blade of Darkrend put the fire out in seconds.


"What now?" Evan asked.


"You both need to head back to Skyrim, I don't like it when I hold lives. I need to find this K and kill him before he kills me," Kristoph replied.

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"Everybody listen up!" Coation shouted "I want them killed! I want them dead! Tear up their village! For they have something of mine! Find the other half off this!" he held up part of a blue print "Whoever brings it back gets 20000 septims, and a promotion!" The men below him roared with delight, and decsended on the near by village tearing it's people to shreds
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Nawen listened silently to what woman said. Her eyes widened. Was that Selene talking? It was so strange to meet her here, in the wilds. The drow looked at her and smiled slightly but no one could see that because she hid her face even more carefully than before. "And Nawen has forgiven you. Everything."
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"Forgiven me? How could she forgive me? i Killed a man she loved as a friend, i interfered with her life, tried to shape her as i saw fit, and whenever she was happy i ruined it... i made her life hell and then came begging at her feet when no-one else wanted me... Then stabbed her in the back... Literally. And how would you know? Nawen is dead, she died in that fire." Selene said, still looking at the floor.
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Nawen listened to everything that Selene said. She had no doubt now that the woman was Selene. And she was regretting? That was rather odd but still nice to hear. The drow pulled her hood back (poop... don't know how to write that. I mean that she removed her hood.) and knelt on the ground beside Selene. "She is alive and closer than you think."
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"Nawen? Nawen?... You... your... you?... Alive? Oh come here! Nawen!" Selene said, hugging Nawen, almost strangling her with her hug...


That was when Selene was pulled back from Nawen by a huge brute of a man, he picked Selene up violently and carried her on his back, he got on his horse and rode away.... The Empress taken by a hired thug...


"Ahh! Nawen! Help me!" Selene screamed, but it was too late, and the horseman rode away to the imperial city...

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"Where will I stay?" Adrian asked.


"With Evan. You'll meet my sister too," Kristoph replied.


"Alright, let's go Adrian," Evan said.


"Ok." Adrian and Evan left Kristoph and walked away, headed back for Skyrim. Kristoph turned to the direction of Skingrad, where an inn owner, an old friend of his, might be able to help him. Hopefully. So he walked to that direction.



After a while, he eventually reached the city, where he went to an inn inside the living district. He opened the wooden door and closed it behind him. He saw a woman behind the cunter, in her 30's or so, who was serving drinks to several people.


"Annabeth!" he shouted. The girl looked up and smiled.


"Kristoph? Is that really you?"


OOC: Will be gone for a bit.

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Nawen was quite surprised by what happened. First it was a hug then some man took Selene. The drow sighed as she watched the man rode away. She knew where he was going. She pulled her hood back on and started running. Nawen knew many shortcuts to the city if she'll run at full speed she should reach the city in no time.
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