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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Selene used her magic To Teleport the group to a camp out in Nibenay... including Aardorn and Dirmire.


"Well, now we are all here i need to get some things together... Right, there. We fire this Arrow at the castle, and it will burn... hopefully if you hit the kitchen, which is right in our sights." Selene said handing Nawen the arrow, which had a powerful area explosion of fire enchanted into it, and she pointed at the open window not far away of the kitchen...

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While walking toward the gate, Luther remembered something that was important. He turned around and walked toward the fallen tree again, Luther sat down and gazed at the gleaming stone wall as the sun beat down on it. He opened up his satchel and grabbed a worn book, he flipped through the pages until he found and empty page. Luther grabbed a quill and a worn ink bottle. He began to write what was on his mind and what was around him, oblivious to all.
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Nawen nodded and took the arrow. She looked at it for a moment before pulling out her bow, placed the arrow against the bowstring and aimed to the window. The drow ranger stood still for a moment, ignoring everything else around her. Nawen closed her eyes then opened them again and released the arrow. She knew that she can't miss.
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"Whoa," Dirmire said as he looked at the castle."How big?" He then sat down on a log and waited for Nawens arrow to get through the window. Edited by Meciathe
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"Aardorn and Dirmire, i want you to fight his troops in the courtyard, so i can get to the top floor and kill the demon king... I love you both you know... if i don't make it out alive just know that, i love you all." Selene said as the kitchen exploded, and the fire soon spread like, well fire. Almost consuming the castle in minutes.


Selene planted a kiss on Dirmire's cheek, and Then Aardorn's, and then Nawen's, and ran off at an inhuman speed to the castle, where she slipped in through a window, and made her way to the top.


Nobunaga sat on the top floor, the flames not reaching him just yet. "What the hell is going on?! Clearly a bloody bandit is not to keen on my castle..."

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Nawen had no idea what should she do so she will help to fight the troops as well. She was worried and feared for Selene but Selene is a strong woman. She will defeat him. "You heard her." The drow said and ran to the courtyard. Edited by Naktis
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