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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"I hope so." Shadow replied and followed Dirmire. Once they finally reached Nawen, was really surprised to see Shadow alive. Well not really alive... "Can you heal her?" The vampire asked as he placed Selene carefully on the ground. "I'll try." The drow said and knelt beside Selene and started healing her with various potions and herbs.
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"Which one is the devil?" Shadow asked jokingly. Nawen stopped healing Selene with potions and herbs and Shadow started healing her with magic. He was quite surprised that he got his powers back when he somehow came back to life.
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Selene's eyes opened and she looked at Shadow. "Sh-Shadow? Your Alive? I'm alive? How? I-I killed you! No... i am sorry... please, if it is revenge you want... then kill me Shadow... i won't resist... i deserve it for what i did to you..." Selene said... looking up, willing to let him avenge his death at her hands...
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Shadow looked at Selene and laughed. His laugh sounded really sincere. "Kill you? Revenge?" He laughed again. "Oh no, Selene. I'm not here to kill you. I was actually thankful that you killed me. You have granted me peace I desired."
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"Really? Oh my sweet Shadow... i am so glad. I hope that you are at peace... And you know what? Your not going to have to pick up the pieces of me anymore... for once i am whole... i am me again, i am fixed.... with that bastards death i am at least... thank you Shadow... for killing him, for saving me... for caring." Selene pulled Shadow's head down and kissed him... "I'm sorry..." She said pulling away, realizing she had just kissed him...
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OOC: I got my door bell working, phone lines are now up, looks like I'm good to go from here. I should be getting married this Sunday, unless the priest gets sick again.


IC: Kristoph opened his eyes to notice the sun peaking into the room. He rose to his feet, stretching and picking Darkrend up, placing the sword in it's sheathe. He walked out of his room and down to the bar, where Annabeth was the only one there.


"Good morning," she said. Kristoph sat in front of the bar.


"Yeah, 'morning."


"So it's going to be nice getting away from this inn. So, when are we leaving and where?" Annabeth asked. Kristoph pulled a map out.


"Winterhold in Skyrim. There's supposed to be a public execution there, being performed by the jarl himself. The funny thing is that the jarl considers himself to be apart of the Outsiders and says that they're devoted to stopping crime. They just want to steal the picture," Kristoph replied.

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Shadow smiled when Selene kissed him. "No need to be sorry. I liked it." He laughed and stood up then helped Selene to stand up as well.


Nawen watched them silently with a slight smile on her face. It was good to see them happy. At least something good came out of something so bad.

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"You did did you?... That's good, i have more for you..." Selene said kissing him again, after a long kiss she looked at him and said. "I am sorry i am not the Selene from before... i'm too high and mighty now... and this hair color is a no-no. I am going to go blonde once again, and then we can live life again." Selene said with a smile. She looked at Nawen and said with a smile. "Thank you, for everything... that bastard is dead and i am alive, heh. Now all i need to do is.... step down."
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