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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Once Luther circled the building, he found nothing. Disappointed, Luther walked out of the Castle, and slowly started to walk down the road. He thought about what he saw, and how it reminded him of back in Cyrodiil what he did to people for a living. After a while Luther decided to stop and sit on a boulder on the side of the road, he laid down and stared up into the sky, he was reminded of what he did in his past and how it reflected of him. Then something caught his attention, like someone talking or whispering... He sat back up and listened closely again. He wasn't crazy, he actually heard something. He hastily got off the boulder and started walking towards whoever was talking.
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Dirmire sighed and sat down on a rock near the castle watching his skeletons get sucked underground ant the trolls turning to just. He patted his undead dragon on the nose a gave it some meat and it flew of into the sky. He was alone again.
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Nawen sighed and looked at Selene. "Six years ago I was in Cyrodiil, scouting when suddenly a woman ran up to me and begged me to help her and her husband. I thought that something bad really happened. The woman was covered in blood after all so I followed her into an isolated house." She stopped talking and remained silent for a moment. "As soon as I entered the house someone knocked me out and when I woke up I was locked in some sort of cell with Argonian and Khajiit slaves." She then stopped talking again. It was difficult to talk about it. "It was terrible Selene. Slavers killed those poor people for the smallest things like not walking fast enough... I was later moved in their leaders' quarters. He never saw a drow before and he kept me alive only because 'I look pretty.'."
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Selene looked at Nawen, her face emotionless. She then said "Slavery is... a harsh thing... I have never experienced it in the sense you speak of, i have never been a slave to anyone... but you have to know that the way those slaves were treated? That was kind Nawen. Killing them was kind... You would find no such kindness in the Telvanni slave pens of morrowind... or the human cattle i once kept... But this is unacceptable. Freelance slavery is illegal, and the only permitted slavery is in places like Morrowind, black-marsh and elsweyr... Honey, you should not have been subjected to that... This man, the degenerate who kept you... did you get a name?" Selene said this last bit coldly and deviously. As much as slavery was wrong, Selene knew that in some provinces, it was day to day life...
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Nawen simply started at Selene. How can killing them is kind? Nawen knew that drow in the Underdark enslave their enemies but she was never enslaved before. She was always free and losing that freedom was her greatest fear. "No. Everyone just called him boss. I looked for him but found nothing. This scar is also his doing..."
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"Damn... nothing at all no name? initials? I can't resign from the throne, but they agreed to let me take a break... anyway, if i had a name i could find him for you... I can take a look through the archives if you like? see if i can find him?" Selene said. She saw the unrest in Nawen... and she sensed how she reacted to her saying that killing them was kind...
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Luther heard someone talking again, he didn't know who it was, but he could have sworn he knew the voice. Luther continued walking around, he haven't heard the voice in a while and decided to sit under a tree. He look around as he pulled out his worn journal, quill and ink bottle again. He flipped through the pages until he reached the page he was writing on before he left. He continued to write his thoughts as he lost himself into the writing.
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