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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Oh... damn. Well... we came here to kill my husband, the Emperor of tamriel... now he is dead i can continue to rule without an evil bastard corrupting me. The flaming castle was our work, quite good was it not? But i am not a lonely Empress, i have a... lover." Selene said with a little smile, as she brushed some of her blonde hair away from her face.
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Luther raised his eyebrow in curiosity, trying to figure out if she was serious or not. After Selene said the castle was her work he nodded. What also surprised him was how remarkably beautiful she was, even after a massacre. He wrote: "It was... unfortunate that you couldn't come to an agreement with your husband. Sounds you had quite the adventure."
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"I would not call being beaten to a pulp, kicked down a staircase, and left to die in that burning castle an adventure my dear. He was an evil man, much more than even i. But he is dead now, killed by Shadow up there. Anyway... know of anywhere we can all do a little adventuring? Know of any ruins nearby? Been a long time since i have come to this part of Cyrodiil. Anyway where are my manners? I am Selene." She said with a smile.
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If your wondering what Luther looks like, he looks like this (Besides the clothes) http://i44.tinypic.com/166xa9.jpg



Luther look at the branches, there he saw the two sitting on the branches. As Selene was finish talking, he wrote: "I'm Luther, I don't really know where you could..." Luther stopped writing a looked at Selene again. He could have sworn he's seen her before. He continued writing. "...start." He held out his hand.

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Nawen jumped on the ground once she saw that Dirmire fell. "Are you alright?" She asked.


Shadow saw how Dirmire fell from the branch and laughed. "It seems you've already been in a tavern before we came here." He then turned to Selene. "Dungeons are filthy you know."

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