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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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"Yes, i did call him deformed, but he does not like that... Come on out Sobbins." Selene said, she opened her case and lifted out the goblin, which was as small as a 1 year old child. "It too hot in dere, me wan't to walk!" Sobbins said in his little goblin voice. "Okay, come on then." Selene said putting him down, and holding his hand.
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"But you had the power at one time, right?" Annabeth asked.


"For a few seconds," Kristoph replied.


"So, ever think that you're skills came from an imprint that the gem left on you? It's possible," Annabeth said. Kristoph thought for a moment. It was either that or he'd been killing for so long that he just became used to it.


"Never thought of that, no. But I'd rather not know," he said. "C'mon, let's find the reason we're here." They walked into the small village, greeted by a person fleeing from something. He was an Altmer, injured with cuts and covered in scars. He shoved Kristoph and Annabeth out of the way. After a few seconds an Imperial holding a dagger came outside. His cloths were covered in blood.


"Get back here!" he shouted, ignoring the two people standing in front of him.


"Well, this is awkward," Annabeth said.


"Why aren't you two chasing him? For crying out loud, you idiots are supposed to help the people living here!" the Imperial shouted. Kristoph blinked.


"What? We aren't even from here," he said.


"Oh, then, who are you?"


"Depends, who are you?" Kristoph asked, stepping forward.


"The doctor," the Imperial replied.


"Not any doctor I'd ever see, now, why is this place deserted?" Annabeth asked. The imperial, though, was stabbed and killed from behind. As the body fell over, 5 cloaked figures stood, armed with spears and swords. Kristoph unsheathed Darkrend, and without thinking, rushed right into the men. After a bit of sword clashing, Kristoph exited the group holding a man. He kept Darkrend at the man's neck.


"Now someone tell me before I kill all 5 of you, what is going on?" he asked.


"This town is ours, and always will be. We're the outsiders," one of the other 4 men said. Kristoph slit the hostage man's throat and let go as the body become ashes.


"Just who I was looking for," he said. He charged forward, jumping and grabbing a man by the shoulder, forcing him onto the ground. He stabbed down, killing the man. Kristoph quickly turned to slash and break the end of a spear off. The cold blade of Darkrend thrusted forward, killing the man. He then turned to the remaining two. He ducked as an arrow came flying over him, hitting one of the Outsider's in the chest, killing him. The last one attempted to jump over Kristoph by gripping his shoulder, but Kristoph grabbed the man's neck and shoved him onto the ground. He stabbed Darkrend right into the stomach and sheathed the cold weapon as the Outsider became ash.


"What are they doing here?" Annabeth asked.


"I don't know," Kristoph replied.

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"Yes, i did call him deformed, but he does not like that... Come on out Sobbins." Selene said, she opened her case and lifted out the goblin, which was as small as a 1 year old child. "It too hot in dere, me wan't to walk!" Sobbins said in his little goblin voice. "Okay, come on then." Selene said putting him down, and holding his hand.



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Sobbins poked Sinn's nose and said "What kitty taste like?"

"Not very nice, so don't bite her nose... because she will bite you." Sobbins frowned and patted the end of sinns nose

"Good Kitty Cat."

"There will be lot's of kitty cats in Elsweyr, so you can annoy them instead of Sinn."

"Okay." Sobbins replied.

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"Did this Kobald poke her nose too?" Selene said with a smile. "Quite possibly the strangest little friend i have ever had, but Sobbins is good aren't you?"

"Sometimes, only when i get fed good food." Sobbins replied.

"Indeed... that is right."

Sobbins then let go of Selene's hand and ran over to Nawen, he poked her in the leg and said "Tag, your it!" And ran off.

"Bloody goblins eh?" Selene said with a smirk.

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OOC: Looks like I'm heading to Iraq. :facepalm:


IC: Kristoph opened the door to the inn and was met by three swords. He raised his hands in a surrendering motion.


"They're not Outsiders, let them in," a voice said. The swords lowered and Kristoph and Annabeth walked inside. Several men closed the door behind them and locked it tight.


"Welcome to our slice of paradise," a man said. A Redguard, armed in Ebony, and a giant claymore on his back.


"What's happened to this town?" Kristoph asked. The Redguard silently laughed.


"You don't recognize me, do you?" he said.


"Wait....." Kristoph studied the man a little. "Diante! I thought you'd died long ago!" The man who apparently was named Diante smiled.


"No, I survived. As did you, friend. Now it seems you are curious as to what's going on here. A few days ago a group of warriors and thugs showed up, and they claimed to be called "the Outsiders." They killed the town guard and took it over. We've been hiding in here to avoid death," he explained.


"I came here for this branch's leader," Kristoph explained. "They want me dead, so I want them dead."

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