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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Dirmire woke up in the morning fealling groggy and wet and had wished he had followed selene and found a tavern for the night. He stood up dried his clothes and made his way to Elsweyr and to the southern coast and to the city they were ment to arrive in Fenchal. Edited by Meciathe
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Nawen went through her pack and looked for something, anything that could help her. But she had no idea what exactly happened to Luther and what could help him. The drow looked around the camp and saw that Dirmire was gone too. She frowned. "Great!" She mumbled and walked up to Shadow who was lying in his bedroll with his eyes closed. As soon as Nawen approached his eyes opened. "What is it?" He said rather annoyed. "I need help. Something terribly wrong happened to Luther!" The vampire got up from his bedroll and followed the ranger.

Once he approached the man, Shadow knelt beside him. "He's unconscious." Was the only thing he said before he started healing Luther with magic.

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Dirmire waited in the tavern they were ment to be in and drank some ale. Looking around he saw some khajiits gambling.

Dirmire was getting bored and teleported his piano into the corner of the ber and started to play.

Edited by Meciathe
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OOC: Had this page open forever, and I didn't realize it. No wonder my internet is being used up. :wallbash: This'll be one long post too.


IC: Kristoph swung Darkrend at Violet, but the weapon was stopped by a ward, and a spear that hit the blade. Kristoph twisted his hand, swinging Darkrend in the other direction and breaking the tip of the spear. He then noticed Violet fleeing. Seven heavily armored men stepped in front of Kristoph and Annabeth, but Kristoph quickly slammed his hand on the ground, and a black inferno consumed the seven men. After it disappeared, the men had vanished. Kristoph then ran in the direction of where Violet was fleeing, Annabeth following in his lead. They both found a clearing in the trees, and Violet escaping in a carriage. Another one was off the edge of the hill, so Kristoph jumped in it. Annabeth followed. The two horses at the end of the carriage began moving it upon the slams, scaring them. Annabeth took control of the carriage, keeping it in pursuit of Violet's. Kristoph took Annabeth's bow and quiver, slinging the quiver around his shoulder and readying an arrow.


"Keep this thing steady," Kristoph shouted.


"Doing my best," Annabeth replied. Kristoph let the arrow loose, but it flew right over Violet's head. Kristoph cursed under his breath, readying another arrow. As they made a sharp turn, a fireball hit right beside the carriage. Kristoph tilted his head over, seeing several mages in the corner of his eye. He turned the bow, shooting one of the mages down. Immediately after, another fireball hit the carriage, taking off a wheel and sending it out of control. The carriage was pretty close to the back of Violet's carriage though.....


"Keep the carriage in this formation," he said. Annabeth nodded, and Kristoph hopped into the front, and then jumped onto one of the horses. As he got ready to jump again, a fireball hit him. He lost his balance, and grabbed onto the horse's saddle. He climbed his way back up, and quickly jumped onto the back of Violet's carriage. He took a knife from his belt and shoved Violet out of the carriage. Kristoph then jumped out, putting the knife into Violet's neck. However she cast a healing spell just as Kristoph took the knife back. This wasn't going to be easy.


"You might've killed Ralus in easy timing, but I won't be that easy to kill," Violet said. Kristoph unsheathed Darkrend, dropping the bow and quiver. He then swung right at Violet, but a ward blocked it. A ghoul of fire was cast directly at him, but Kristoph held his free hand out, and a black firestorm surrounded his hand, blocking the ghoul. He then let the storm go as it scraped the ground, passing over Violet. When the storm disappeared, she was standing there with a healing spell being cast in one hand, and the other was a readied ghoul of fire. Kristoph looked in the corner of his eye to see an arrow fly past him, hitting Violet directly, staggering her. Kristoph then charged in, pinning her to the ground and putting Darkrend to her neck.


"I'll give Curio you're regards," he said, moving the sword in.


"Wait! We can," Violet choked on air, "we can sort out a deal, right?" she finally asked.


"I'm listening," Kristoph moved the cold blade of Darkrend back a bit.


"Leave me alive, and I'll help you," Violet said. She reached for a book, tied to her belt. She handed it to Kristoph.


"What's this?" he asked, opening the book.


"Curio's journal," Violet replied. Kristoph closed the book, putting it in his belt.


"Now, will you let me live?" Violet asked. Kristoph sighed.


"Go, and I never want to see you're face again," he said. He sheathed Darkrend as Violet climbed to her feet. She then fled the scene.


"What now?" Annabeth asked, approaching Kristoph.


"We go kill the next," Kristoph replied. He pulled the list out, and the third one was pretty..... strange. Reading it, Kristoph got a strange face, cursing under his breath.


'What is it?" Annabeth asked.


"My friend, Evan, is listed here," Kristoph replied.

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Shadow continued healing, Luther. He had no idea what exactly happened to him but he knew that Nawen would nag him to death if he'd just leave.


Nawen was silently watching Shadow and Luther when she noticed Dirmire. "Thank the Gods you came! Can you help?" The drow asked.

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Dirmire chanted somethind and energy seemed to come from his hand and onto luther. dirmire was slowly draining his energy and had to go on one knee until he fell to the floor coughing and gasping for breath.
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