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The Adventures Of Skyrim: Alternate Reality: 20 Years Later


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Selene smiled and said "But i can't. It is who i am. I will NEVER change. I am the Ancient Vampire from which many tales have surfaced, countless deaths have been dealt... i am a demon, a monster, a walking nightmare... i traded my soul to three Daedric princes for more power, and i have been driven insane by the Mysterium Xarxes! There is no hope of redemption so why am i even trying?... The only one i truly regret killing is my Father..."
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Shadow listened to what Selene said. He could feel that Luther doesn't agree with him and he simply doesn't care. "You're trying? Selene, you just sit here and do nothing!" For the reasons unknown even to himself he was really annoyed now.
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"And what would you do shadow huh? Mr im so perfect! Does Nawen know you have lied to her this whole time? does she know exactly what you are, Shadow? Of course not... so next time you want to lecture me on trying, maybe you should try the truth sometime. And i have been trying, for almost 20 years i have not murdered someone... still, i wan't to.. i always do."
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"What would I do!? Stop trying and just accept the fact that I can't do it instead of crying about it. You're a strong woman, Selene and to see you like this... just accept who you are." Shadow felt like leaving but he decided to stay here. "It is my business what I say or not to others." The vampire wasn't feeling bad about lying. You could say that in a way he was lying even right now.
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"And it is my business to feel just a little regret for everything i have done! You have no feelings anymore shadow, i understand that, but i do! Do you know what it is like to realize the man you loved was actually the enemy? and the father who you viewed as the enemy, and executed as such was trying to protect you? That is what i regret, letting my self be fooled by that bastard... and killing my own father in cold blood... I need to get rid of any feeling and emotion... but if i do, then i won't be Selene anymore... i will be the Empty shell of that woman i was... i will be the me from 2500 years ago... and believe me, she is not very friendly." Selene said the last line VERY coldly, colder than she has ever spoken before.
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Luther was surprised on how cold Selene sounded, he glared at Shadow. He wasn't helping at all and making this worse. Luther quickly wrote: "Who's blaming you to have feelings? You used to be Human at one time, it is normal to relieve your emotions and stress from things."
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"Well you can't change that now can you?" Shadow said. He was really annoyed. "It's pointless to dwell on the past." The last part however sounded a bit like a threat. "Is she treating me now or something?" He thought and looked directly at Selene.
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"Might have been a threat... no, more of a premonition. You wan't me to forget? then i let of all of my feelings, all emotions, i end up like you... only worse. I will have retained all of the power the daedra gave me, the insanity the Xarxes granted me... and i shall kill my way through tamriel as i did before. And let me pass on some wisdom: It is a good thing to dwell upon the past, without it we are nothing. But i will forget this for the time being, we were going to Elsweyr were we not?" Edited by mythicdawnmaster
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Shadow shook his head. "Loosing emotions won't help you to forget things. I never said that I want you to forget it because you never will. It's impossible. I just want you to stop living in the past. Live for today and tomorrow and think about what might happen now or later, not what happened so many years ago."
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