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[WIP] Knights For Honor


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I kind of got inspired over the past little while looking at all the screenshots and vids from the For Honor game, and decided to take a stab some armours that are in that vein. This is a sampling of some of the designs I have been playing around with. I've only touched the tabard parts so far and haven't done anything yet to add paint and markings to the armour parts themselves. The goal is to have a variety of helmets, boots, and shields to go with it.


Anyway, hopefully something like this will be appealing. It has been kind of fun.





















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If you need some inspiration to plot lines, NPCs, dialog, and quests for this mod, I would suggest reading the J.R.R. Martin stories about Ser Duncan and the Egg.




They encompass a series of tales about a hedge knight with limited funds, and only moderate wit, but a honest heart and full of honorable zeal.


I could easily see a Skyrim mod based on such concepts, were various knights, sworn to service to the varied Jarl's go to tourney's, and at those events, get involved in all sorts of plots.


Good Luck with your mod concept, I hope to play it one day.



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