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Who else thinks that Skyrim needed more 'good' quests ?


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It seems to me that in Skyrim most quests are 'neutral',and after the neutral quests the second highest percentage are 'evil' quests.

You got quests like the ones from the Civil War that aren't white or black either,but more like grey which is between.And lots of other quests are like that too,in that what you do doesn't necessary translates to good or evil.

Then you got the Daedric Prince quests that most of them seem to end up with you murdering someone who wouldn't even be able to defend himself,because the Daedra asks you to.

But what about 'good' quests ?

Quests that would so that our player is doing something for the good of people because he really is good,not fetch jobs like having someone to hire you to get him something...

I think since there are Daedra quests around,it would be a good idea if we where also introduced to Aedra quests,what do you think ?

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I agree and hope they come. imo most games have horrid quests and roleplaying into them is the only way to deal with them.

I am working on learning the creation kit now and am thinking about redoing all the daedric quests because well some of them are just forced and yah evil.

I would like to see Quests for the Divines and such...

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Skyrim is in dare need of good quests, no doubts about this. These courier/fedex quests are most times annoying, just a little more fun is when asked to spank some random NPC unlucky enough to be chosen by the radiantly opaque AI :)


Good thing such NPCs seem to have a very short memory so they don't remember being hardly beaten few moments ago...

Edited by nosisab
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I'm seriously hoping for tons of DLC and player made mods along the lines of KOTN. There's already some excellent paladin-style armor/weapon mods coming out. I have no doubt that this superb modding community will deliver on some Lawful/Good quests.
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Agree with the OP. Skyrim needs far, far more for good characters to do. Besides slaying beasts in caves for small payments. The Companion's repeating quests were embarrassingly droll and boring. That was beneath even Bethesda.


So yeah...more stuff for good guys to do is an excellent idea.

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