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The game to crash to desktop.


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Hi guys.

I install some mods, (omods) minutes after, the game to crash to desktop.

ok, i remove the mods, and play early save game, the game still crash.

Then i use the backup of directory of oblivion, still crash to desktop.

I´m runing out of ideas.

is very dificult to keep the game estable.

I like to try new mods, but, i like to know if there is a way to test the game estability,

with no errors.


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The best advice you could ever follow is "Only install one mod at a time, and test thoroughly between adding mods". If a mod breaks the game it's simple to figure out which mod did it.


To resolve your current situation you may be best to do a complete re-install. That way, if you do a thorough and proper job of uninstalling and re-installing, you'll be getting started without any 'leftovers' from your past coming back to haunt you. I suggest Bben46's Oblivion reinstall procedure as a guide to follow. Don't miss the link near the top of that page about moving your Steam folder if you use the Steam version of the game, and don't skip the registry cleaning step either ... it's important.

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