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CTD in tutorial


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I reinstalled Skyrim SE for the 3rd time now, following all the STEP re-vanilla guides, even going so far as wiping my entire skyrim se folder (and the my documents skyrim SE folder) clean and allowing steam to reinstall it, however, every time I have experienced the same bug - at helgen keep with Ralof, upon entering combat for the first time I CTD... I can do the rest of the tutorial fine, however. I tried installing Alternate Start but I just get a crash within 5 minutes of creating my character with that now, so I'm completely lost. Worst thing is, the crash didn't even originate with me installing a new mod or changing any settings - I just started SSE up one day, and it starting CTDing like this, mods or no mods. It used to be entirely stable. So... anyone have any suggestions? How could I entirely reinstall SSE from steam without getting whatever corrupt files keep screwing up my game?

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I am no expert but i remember having a simmilar problem ones caused by vanilla start with " Live Alternative Life" installed.

I belive i had to deactivate "LAL" until finishing Helgen and then reactivate it. Try yhat. :)

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When you say mods or no mods, do you mean it crashes when you turn mods off and start a new game, or you've tried playing on a totally fresh install?


When it comes to mods what method do you use to install/uninstall? Do you have any problems with your internet connection? Have you tried running the repair function through Steam to see if it's missed something?


Sorry if these are boring questions, just don't really have enough to work with so far and I've not had this issue personally.

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On a totally fresh install after uninstalling all mods, wiping my Skyrim and NMM folders clean, and reinstalling. I did verify file integrity if that's what you mean by repair, everything turned up fine last time I did...
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Have you tried validating you master files? Should work the same for SSE as it does for Oldrim. You delete your Skyrim.ini and Skyrimprefs.ini and Steam appcache, important to remember that last step. Then shut down your computer for five or ten minutes. Start your computer, start Steam and verify your game files. When you start Steam it will create a new appcache file, when you launch SSE from the Steam launcher it will create new ini files.


You will have to clean your update.esm and your DLCs again.

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If your doing Helgen totally vanilla I'd be perplexed at a CTD at that point. You should, IMNSHO, play vanilla until the quest is "completed" on the other side of Helgen. If you are starting with mods, LOOT and SSEdit are a must, and Wyre for that matter. If you start out with too many mods and are inexperienced, it may be difficult, to say the least to track down the conflict causing your issue. I started once with STEP mods from the beginning. Bad idea. For me anyway. Once I had a clean save then I started the painstaking process of adding mods, looting mods and ssediting mods. I also recommend Bethini and ReSaver.


Don't give up friend, just start small. After 2 years of Oldrim and SSE (everything I ever learned about modding I learned right here on Nexus), I'm now up to 160 mods, crashes are rare, and lately only one conflict I didn't catch before I installed it. I have learned to almost enjoy the challenge of piling on the mods without a crash, but it's a careful piling. Learn the dance of modding and crashes are just a blip. Good luck!

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