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Mods for new players


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Hi, I am a new member of the nexus, and I have sort of at a loss for which mods are good or "essential" to fully experience modded skyrim. Things specifically I am looking for are graphic mods, environmental mods, or anything else that makes the game look awesome. but feel free to let me know if there is anything other mods that you really like. Thanks a bunch.

-A Newb

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How to mod, for beginners:





Once you have the basics down, you can start installing other mods. Check out the top files for the most popular ones. Just be sure to follow what I consider to be the first rule of modding: read the mod description.

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How to mod, for beginners:





Once you have the basics down, you can start installing other mods. Check out the top files for the most popular ones. Just be sure to follow what I consider to be the first rule of modding: read the mod description.

thanks, but do you know which graphics mods are the best? im kind of lost because there are so many

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