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Is this possible in Havok content tools?

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Hi everyone,


I am looking for a way to removed an animation from a vanilla duplicate weapon(torch.nif) and replace it with the idle animation so equipping the torch would not raise the arm in the torch holding anim. Keep in mind that i still want the vanilla torch to work as intended in game.


I search in the torch.nif to see if i could find a trigger node that fired up the animation but i found nothing.


How difficult would that be in Havok since tutorials are close to non existent for this tool?


If you have any suggestion how to do it with a different technique then please share your idea with us!

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Apparently you just don't want to believe me. :D


Character animations are in NO WAY attached to an object (weapon, nif, whatever). (Character) animations are controlled by the behavior files, and those are created by HBT, not HCT. And HBT is not available.


So what you would have to do is what every one (including FNIS) who adds or modifies animations is doing: modify behaviors the hard way.

  • Convert behavior files into xml with hkxcmd.
  • Optionally make those xml files better readable with CondenseBehavior
  • Make the appropriate changes
  • Convert the xml back to hkx.

And of course there is hardly any documentation about that. Because the hkx/xml files are only an internal representation of what was once created with HBT's GUI.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 1:01 PM, fore said:

Apparently you just don't want to believe me. :D


Character animations are in NO WAY attached to an object (weapon, nif, whatever). (Character) animations are controlled by the behavior files, and those are created by HBT, not HCT. And HBT is not available.


So what you would have to do is what every one (including FNIS) who adds or modifies animations is doing: modify behaviors the hard way.

  • Convert behavior files into xml with hkxcmd.
  • Optionally make those xml files better readable with CondenseBehavior
  • Make the appropriate changes
  • Convert the xml back to hkx.

And of course there is hardly any documentation about that. Because the hkx/xml files are only an internal representation of what was once created with HBT's GUI.

Hi Fore,


No i believe what you were saying but since English is not my native tongue maybe i didn't get it correctly.

I will try to follow what you mention here but i am not sure i understand everything like how would i know what is the name of the animation for torch holding and how do you unlink it from a duplicate of the torch so the vanilla torch still work as intended?


Thank for any help in the matter.

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I gave you directions, but I will not help in detail. I couldn't tell you a solution right away. Probably ignore the torchequip event. But that takes some sort of condition, and I would have to investigate what conditions could be used in your case. If such conditions can be defined and used at all. I never made something like this.


Behaviors are extremely hard to change, because (as I said) there is no tool to do so. And there is no documentation at all.

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Hi Fore,


When you talk about the torchequip event do you mean to make a script that would ignored the animation behavior when equipping the torch?


Yesterday i did a lot of test and i found out that magic effects light spell like magelight is having a working flickering FX but when i change the magic effect casting type to constant effects on self the light is working when wearing the object but the flickering FX is not working! That strange to have this FX working with aimed casting spell.


I have access to Havok behavior tools but i think we cannot modify Skyrim with it correct me if i am wrong.

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No, I don't talk about a script. I'm talking about the behavior files itself. But it will be hard for you to understand as long as you haven't looked into a behavior file yourself.


I cannot say anything about light effects, becasue they are certainly not influenced by behaviors.


And I don't think that you have access to the "Havok behavior tools". I don't know what tools you talk about. The last freely available version of HBT was 6.6.0. THe one which was used for Skyrim was about 2 years later. And even if you had the proper version (which only could come from an illegal source), you would neither have access to the Bethesda specific extensions to that version, nor to Bethesda's project files.


It's like having an exe file, and the necessary compiler. If you don't have the source code, then you can't modify the program source to create a new exe.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 8:52 PM, fore said:

No, I don't talk about a script. I'm talking about the behavior files itself. But it will be hard for you to understand as long as you haven't looked into a behavior file yourself.


I cannot say anything about light effects, becasue they are certainly not influenced by behaviors.


And I don't think that you have access to the "Havok behavior tools". I don't know what tools you talk about. The last freely available version of HBT was 6.6.0. THe one which was used for Skyrim was about 2 years later. And even if you had the proper version (which only could come from an illegal source), you would neither have access to the Bethesda specific extensions to that version, nor to Bethesda's project files.


It's like having an exe file, and the necessary compiler. If you don't have the source code, then you can't modify the program source to create a new exe.

Hi Fore,


You are right i didn't took a look yet at behaviors since i was testing more simple solutions first but now i will unpack the animation bsa to have a peak.


Regarding behavior tool i have a version that was link in thread here and of course i don't have the Bethesda original folder structure so that wouldn't work but i thought maybe we could tweak some basic thing.


I am going to read more about replacing animations but if i was successful at replacing an animation would i be able to retain the original animation for the torch?


#1 I mean having the torch hold animation for the torch


#2 having the idle animation when wearing the lantern


I hope i make myself clear enough.

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I was trying to explain some background. But you are so far from understanding what I told you, and the problems that are ahead of you, that I have real doubt that it would be helpful for you to persue this path. You are missing most simple modding back-ground (like "retain the original animation"). And modifying behaviors is something only very few modders have attempted. You are far from being there. :)

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  On 5/9/2017 at 9:53 PM, fore said:



I was trying to explain some background. But you are so far from understanding what I told you, and the problems that are ahead of you, that I have real doubt that it would be helpful for you to persue this path. You are missing most simple modding back-ground (like "retain the original animation"). And modifying behaviors is something only very few modders have attempted. You are far from being there. :smile:

OK sorry to bother you and i wont ask anything don't worry i get the message...

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Does anyone came across that behaviors editor : https://sourceforge.net/p/skyrimbehavior/wiki/Home/


Just download it but when i click on the setup button it was trying to connect to a server so i cancel the installation.


Seem legit since the user show some videos on Youtube but it's pretty hard to trust a software that immediately try to connect to a remote server!

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